I took a deep breath, not even noticing when Tiffany let go of me and backed away, but just before I was about to belt out the next stanza, he put a finger to my lips and rose, lifting me lightly and setting me down on the floor. One hand clasped my own and the other went to my waist.

"I have died every day waiting for you," he hummed, deep voice making my ears and chest and everything tingle violently; everyone behind us gasped and I heard someone choke violently in surprise, but Sebastian merely smirked and started to dance us back and forth. "Darling, don't be afraid... I have loved you for a thousand years. Love you for a thousand more."

"Time stands still, beauty and all he is!" I belted out, beaming as he gently twirled me. "I will be brave, I will not let anything take... away... what's standing in front of me! Every moment! Every hour has come to this!"

"One step closer..." he sang, then took a deep breath and continued the rest of the song. I, being the sort of person I was when it came to music, harmonized with him as we danced around the lobby with the hotel attendant looking on in mild interest, but mostly contempt.

Tiffany and Kyle both whooped and clapped, but Diana was holding the camera with an intense amount of focus. Cassidy was beside her, holding her hand, watching us with a reluctant smile on her thin face. I was a giggling, flush-faced mess when we finally stopped singing.

He lifted me with both arms and kissed me roughly, making my legs first stiffen up and then go limp, dangling lifelessly a foot above the ground. I buried my fingers in his hair, kissing him back, trying to breathe and think and feel. All of my worries vanished, the incident with the dragons, the upcoming party, the past, the present, the future, all of it vanished.

I was numb when he pulled away, smirking at my dazed expression.

"When I marry you," he told me, playfully nipping my nose, "I'm going to show you the world. I'll take you to places you've never seen, open your eyes to gorgeous sights that normal men have never laid their eyes on. I'll give you precious memories you can treasure forever, memories that will wipe away the pain you went through because of me." 

"It's already been wiped away," I muttered, hugging him. "I promise. We're in a good place."

"Show the camera the engagement ring!" Tiffany suddenly screeched. "For the video!"

I laughed at her exuberance and did so, wiggling my fingers at the camera; Diana came closer, zooming in on the beautiful ring before raising it to our faces. Sebastian looked smug, but I was sure I looked embarrassed and was blushing. Yep, definitely, my ears and cheeks were burning.

"You look like a strawberry," Diana chuckled, and I cringed, hiding my face with my damp hair. 

"Leo once said the same thing," I told her. "Anyway, are we gonna watch a movie or not?" 

"No," Sebastian said, and I looked at him in confusion. "It's only three in the morning. I think instead of sitting cooped up in our room I should show you around the city."

"Want company or is this a solo show?" Tiffany asked, and he leered at her. 

"You need to rest," he said sternly, raising an eyebrow when she frowned. "Don't give me that look. You're pregnant and you need to take it easy. Relax."

"Bash, I literally just got pregnant!" she laughed. "I think I'll be fine!"

She paused, however, when Woody came up behind her and slid his arms beneath hers, protectively cupping her stomach with his big hands. He set his chin on her shoulders and gently rocked her from side to side, kissing her cheek and smiling right at me. 

SLEEPSONG (BoyxBoy)✔️Where stories live. Discover now