Iida and Bakugou were awkwardly quiet, not speaking or even making any sounds. Iida was so curious that he finally asked. "So Bakugou... I wanted to ask you about how you accepted being a parent at a young age? I'm just trying to understand-"

"What? And you think by saying 'I'm just trying to understand so I can help you!' You think that I would share private info. Fuck that. Not even those villain fuckers got it out of me." Bakugou walked ahead and stomped his way over.

"No! Actually... I thought you were incapable of acting mature since I watched our battle against Midoriya and Uraraka. I don't think that you were just expressing simple emotions like revenge or anger..." Bakugou stopped walking and sighed as he facepalmed. "...I didn't want them at first but my parents were against abortion. Thought about adoption too. But once I heard their heartbeats on the monitor. I... don't know... it was life changing to say the least...."

Bakugou looked him straight in the eye and smirk at him. "I'm glad I matured enough to take care of them." Bakugou entered the office and Iida just stood there flabbergasted by what happened.

Bakugou Katsuki. The Bakugou Katsuki who always has a scowl on his face just gave the most proud looking of face. It was so fast in appearing and disappearing, Iida didn't trust his eyes for a few minutes. 'So he does have a good side after all!'

With Bakugou

Bakugou entered the meeting, interrupting the conversation and switched the topic to himself. "Oh Bakugou! Sit down. I have something to tell you. The report has been posted about the incident and the leader behind the attack seemed to have escaped and is unknown. Since they went after you for whatever reason they have, we feel it necessary that you have a companion to walk with you until we feel it's safe for you to be alone-" Neru was interrupted before he could think.

"Why the fuck do you think I can't cremate those fuckers into oblivion?! I don't need a babysitter-" Midnight raises her hand and glares at Bakugou. "We aren't doubting your strength but you need to understand that you're at risk of danger everyday. It's not a babysitter. Think of it like an alarm!"

"Atemh! Now to even more pressing matters, Bakugou could you explain more about the Mastermind behind this incident?" Police Force Investigator Naomasa Tsukauchi asked.


"Are you sure you don't want to talk to Bakugou on why they would be after All Might? Especially to kill him?" Yamada asked.

"No. It's better if he didn't know since it'll keep him from being even more uncooperative and likely to pick a fight rather than back down easily. Seriously, that idiot is one blast to getting killed" replied Aizawa.

"Still the news already got wind of this and probably going to run the story soon. So what's the harm in asking?" Ishiyama questioned.

"It's likely they will but we shouldn't pressure him into remembering. It'll only deepen his guilt about himself. I can tell the type of student he is. Brazen and proud. Insecure and doubtful. A terrible combination." Aizawa ended.

End of Flashback

"What did you need? I don't have much. They threatened me like cowards and fought like cowards. Then they got hung like dogs by the big boss or whatever-"

"WAIT! What big boss? Who are you talking about?-" Investigator Tsukauchi interrupted.

"He probably means the villain with the hands-" Aizawa tried to reason.

"No, there was another dude they mentioned while those dipshits whispered to each other. It was fucking annoying." Bakugou crosses his arms as to be stating 'as a matter of fact! No'.

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