[TFP][1] WheelJack x Mech!Reader

Start from the beginning

Through Megatronus, you'd met other fighters. Soundwave among them. You'd gotten along well with almost everyone.

There was one who struck you though. Orion Pax, a data clerk that Megatronus had taken a very obvious liking to. You didn't know their exact emotions towards each other, but they were very close. Closer than you were to Megatronus himself.

Megatronus soon dropped out from his battles, but you continued to do your own in his name. He'd started to challenge the council and Primes for his beliefs, and it was certainly a sight to behold.

That's when things began to go down. Megatronus became more stressed, angry but yet still determined and strong willed that he wouldn't stop until he won his battle. He was soon invited to a meeting with the primes and council themself.

You waited from sidelines, due to the fact no others were allowed in but himself and Orion. When he was done? He came out fuming. Angry beyond belief, and that's when the true deception started.

Megatron started the change the world.

And you followed. Blindly.

War broke out due to Megatron, Cybertron was divided. Families, friends and lovers alike left each other to follow the war. Some by choice, others not so much.

You became Megatron's second in Commander, a small prawn in his game of chess against the new Prime. Optimus Prime.

Orion had gained the matrix of leadership, going right down into the core of your dying planet. The Prime changed the war, which was good for the Autobots, not so much for the Decepticons.


The battlefield was a mess, offlined husks Of Autobots and Decepticons alike littered the place. The smell of energon was immediately flushed into the faces of whoever stepped onto the field. Like yourself.

The Decepticons were loosing this particular battle, one Megatron was not involved with himself, and had sent a comm to the main Decepticon capital. Koan.

You'd been at the city itself when the message was received, and it was immediately sent to Soundwave by another Communication officer. Megatron and yourself were alerted of the matters, and Megatron sent his one and only SIC.

"It would be my honour." You declared, bowing. You were quick to turn around, heading the the departure bridge with Soundwave close behind.

Soundwave quickly opened the space bridge, and you transformed into your large war jet state. Speeding through the bridge was intense, you were hit with battle protocols almost immediately.

You soared towards the battlefield, the stench of energon going through your large vents. You ignored it, nothing new.

The large building was placed before the field, and you transformed mid-air, landing on the roof, crouching to stay covered by its wall.

"I have arrived at the battlefield." You said into your comm, just to alert warriors of your presence. Your engine hummed with anticipation, ready to attack whatever you could.

You analysed the situation of the field rather quickly in your processor.

The Autobots line was pushing forwards, Optimus Prime himself at the front. Decepticons were pushing back, but Optimus' attack was brutal and they hardly stood a chance. Seekers flew above you, firing at the opposing side brutally, only to be separated and shot at.

You growled, seemed like something had to change. More specific, the fact the Autobots were winning had to change. Now.

You stood up, rockets exposing themselves from your wrist, as you fired them to the middle of the lines of Autobots. Attention was immediately on you.

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