[TFP] Optimus x Mech!Reader

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Dedicated to someone on Quotev ! Enjoy!

This took forever but I hope you enjoy it, spoilers to Prey, Rebellion and a few other episodes.

Reader is based from picture above, but feel free to do what you want !!

Fluff !

"ɪ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ ɪ ʟᴏsᴛ ʏᴏᴜ."

Third person P.O.V

"Optimus!" Ratchet called out in alarm. A pod had come up on his trackers, though it had shown no evidence to it being Autobot nor decepticon, he wasn't going to take the chances. Optimus comes up to Ratchets bipedal form, which is frantically typing away at the computers and trackers. Optimus places a servo on his friends shoulder plate, as a reassuring sign for the stressed mech.

Ratchet took his eyes from the screens and looked to Optimus,"The trackers picked up a pod, it managed to break through the atmosphere 28 kliks ago!" Ratchet spoke, his voiced laced worry. Apparently, some others had heard, and came rushing over. Miko, who stood with Jack and Raf, spoke up first. "New Bot? Cool!" Miko said, excited for the newcomer. "Not cool! For all we know, it's another con!" Ratchet scowled at Miko, who rolled her eyes as a reply.

"Did it say what pod it was Ratchet?" Raf asked, pushing up his glasses. Jack nodded,"Maybe its WheelJack?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Unlikely." Replied Optimus, who seemed to be thinking about a plan up until this moment.

Bulkhead shook his helm,"Jackie wouldn't be in a pod..."He trailed off, confused at this whole circumstance. "Whatever, whoever, it is, we need to get there before the decepticons can." Arcee spoke up, her arms crossed over her chassis, optics glaring suspiciously. "Arcee is right. Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee come with me to inspect the pod. Ratchet, where is it's assumed landing position?" Optimus cut in, walking closer to the monitor.

"It should be landing in the Tirari Desert, far region of south Australia." Ratchet eyed the monitors, before speaking again. "You've got around 15 kliks to get there by the time the pod had landed, at most." He turned back to Optimus with the information, to which Optimus nodded.

"Autobots, roll out." Optimus then transformed into his alt mode, the others following his action, as Ratchet opened the ground bridge to the estimated landing area. "Whhhat! I wanna see the new Bot!" Miko called out, throwing her arms up. "Ep ep ep! You will most certainly not! At least, not until they're in base." Ratchet glared, trying to get his point across. "Yeah, don't worry, they'll come back to base with the Bot in no time!" Smiled Raf, Jack nodding in agreement.

The Bots sped through the portal, Ratchet was quick to turn off the ground ridge, for obvious Miko reasons. Miko rolled her eyes when she saw the portal close,"Fineeeeee." She groaned, crossing her arms and going to the, only, couch.

The four autobots sped out the portal, halting when they were through, as the bridge deactivated. All bots transformed into they're bipedal modes, optics scanning the bare land. Nothing seemed to have landed yet, judging from the lack of disruption in the area of sand.

Suddenly a blast could be heard, something was coming in close and fast. The Autobots could only think of two things; the pod or a Decepticon, honestly hoping for the first one. Thankfully, Primus seemed to have heard they're calls, as a pod could be seen speeding towards the desert, flames indulging in from the speed. The pod of course would not be harmed by the fire as it was built for harsh landings.

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