Chapter 1. "Sunrise of the Adventure."

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And that's when despair kicked in.

Edmund knew that as long as they held onto their memories, then they would be just fine. That's the thing, if they remembered the past, then they were educated for the future.

So the raven haired king had become obsessed. He needed to remember every single thing about their fifteen years as monarchs. The way he saw it, the more information he had, then the better prepared he was.

He was never again going to be a traitor or anything other than a good man and king.

He had finally began writing down their last year of rule when he heard the familiar growl.

He sighed into the leatherbound journal he was scribbling on.

They should have left Peter at home if he was going to be an arrogant baby during the whole trip.

"Hey, what's your problem?" The kid who had bumped Peter scowled threateningly.

Edmund sighed before putting his journal away. He would have to continue his memoir later.

His King needed him.


Susan couldn't care any less about the magazines.

It had been a long time since she particularly cared about anything other than her siblings.

The last year had been a blur to her.

The rest of their stay with the Professor had been like the calm in the midst of a storm. Since they were all friends of Narnia, they were able to talk freely about their home. If longing struck their hearts, then they could speak about it openly and without any fear of judgements.

That had changed once the war was over and they went back home.

Susan pitied her mother during those few months after their return. She tried her hardest, Susan's sure, but she couldn't understand what changed her beloved children so irrevocably.

She had no idea what made them so happy, yet so sad.

It took her time but Susan schooled herself until she was a master in controlling her emotions. It made her detached, sure, but the walls shielding her heart meant she wouldn't fall apart.

She needed a new focus, and she found it in Peter, Edmund and Lucy. Sure, sometimes she barely held onto them, her strength wavering, but her grip never slipped and somehow, somehow she survived.

She barely felt anything anymore.

Well, at least until the most awkward boy she had ever seen stood beside her, glancing at her not so subtly.

Susan refrained from rolling her eyes. She didn't want to be mean, of course, but it was infuriating sometimes how men felt they had the right to just stare at you.

Susan shook her head as she tried to focus on the random magazine she'd grabbed. After all those suitors in Narnia, you'd think she would have gotten used to it.

"You go to St. Finbars." The boy spoke from her right and Susan forced a polite smile.

The boy seemed nice and everything but really, she just wanted to be alone with her thoughts before she had to get into the overcrowded train.

Her voice was even as she barely glanced away from the magazine. "That's right."

"I go to Hendon House across the road." The boy continued, shy smile grazing his lips. "I've seen you."

The Prince, The Girl And The Lion (Prince Caspian Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang