"Maybe we should come back later." Fred suggested

"No. Just wait." Hermione told him. They heard footsteps coming towards the front door and put on great big smiles as they heard the person on the other side opening it up. There stood Alice in a black printed t shirt with the bottom of it tied to her back, exposing her stomach a little, a grey denim skirt, thigh high leather boots, her hair tied up and a cigarette hanging out of her mouth.

She narrowed her eyes at them the minute she saw them. She couldn't figure out who would be planning visits this early in the morning.

"Can I help you?" She said before taking the cigarette out of her mouth.

"Hello, I'm Hermione, and this is my husband Fred, we live next door and thought we'd welcome you to the neighbourhood." Hermione said enthusiastically.

Alice let out a sigh of relief and began laughing. "Oh thank God, I thought you Jehovah Witnesses, I was this close to slamming the door in your face." She laughed as she moved to the side allowing them to come in.

"I'm Alice by the way." She says proudly. "Girls?! Get your asses down here, our neighbours came to say hello!" She yelled as she leaned against the banister.

"Sorry about the mess by the way, we literally moved in about 12 hours ago and don't know where to put half our stuff." Alice explained.

"That's fine. This is for you by the way." Hermione says offering her the wine bottle.

"Wow, thanks. The only thing neighbours gave me in my old neighbourhood was crack." She says to them, not noticing the alarming look on Hermione and Fred's faces.

Their moment is interrupted by Polly and Betty coming down the stairs.

"Oh, these are my girls Polly and Betty." She says pointing to them as they stare at their neighbours.

"Hi." Both the girls said in unison.

"Hi girls, I'm Hermione and this is my husband Fred, and these are our kids Veronica and Archie."

"Hey!" Archie greets enthusiastically, bringing a smile to Betty's face

"Don't you have a son?" Veronica bursts out.

"No. Just my girls." Alice answers

"What about the baby I saw you holding?" She says pointing to Betty.

"Oh he's mine." Betty answers nonchalantly. She notices the surprised looks on all four of their faces but doesn't say anything. She's used to people silently judging her for being a teen mom.

"Uhm, Girls hurry up and shift this crap out of here and upstairs. I want it out of my sight, I've got cleaning to do." She tells Polly and Betty.

"Kids why don't you help?" Fred says to Archie and Veronica. The four teens then take themselves upstairs carrying the remaining boxes to the rooms, leaving the adults alone. Alice invites them to sit down and they happily oblige.

"So where are you from originally?" Hermione asks

"Boston, mostly. Lived around that area my whole life." Alice answers.

"Lovely city. I've been wanting to go for a while. What made you move to Riverdale?"

"I just needed a change. You know, city life gets hectic and drama never happens in a small town like this." Alice partly lied. That was part of the reason she moved but mostly because she was evicted and practically on the run from an insane and dangerous crime Lord she had stolen from.

"Well Riverdale is a lovely town. We both grew up here, right honey?" Fred says, smiling at Hermione.

"Yes, born and raised. It's a loving community and there are brilliant schools in the district too."

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