Then Riley and Nicole headed off. Nicole couldn't have been happier and she was so glad that she had asked Riley to move in with her. It was one of the best ideas she had had in her life and she didn't regret a single moment of it. She loved spending time with her boyfriend.

"Amy's coming home today, Nic," said Riley as he trotted Ruby so he was riding next to Nicole. Nicole smiled because he was getting better at trotting. He was even able to post now.

"That's great," replied Nicole.

"And I want to go and see her."

"Okay. When do you want to go?"

"This afternoon," said Riley, "I want to give her and Catania some time to settle in."

"Okay, that sounds good."

Then Nicole and Riley continued on their ride, enjoying each other's company. Nicole thought a morning ride was the perfect way to do that.


When Amy got home that afternoon, she was surprised when she heard a little boy laughing in the backyard. She was even more surprised when she heard her husband's laugh as well. Amy looked at Catania, wondering what was going on. Even though Catania had no idea what was going on, Amy still looked at her. It was clear that Catania didn't care, though, and she just wanted to get back to sleep. And now Amy just felt like going to sleep as well.

But, on a brighter note, Amy was glad that she was feeling so much better.

And it was all because of the retreat.

Although she did have the occasional problem now and then, the retreat taught her ways of dealing with it so she could not cry or get frustrated. She and Catania had been getting along better now and Amy was so glad of that. She could now see that she could be the best mother she could be.

And she was so happy.

But what Amy couldn't understand was why there was a little boy here, but she was disturbed from her wonderings when Tasha dashed outside and wrapped her arms around her big sister. Tasha was so glad that Amy was back and it was clear she could tell she was a lot better. Amy was glad of that.

"I missed you," said Tasha.

"I missed you as well," replied Amy.

"How are you?"

"I am good," said Amy, still listening to the laughing boy, "who is that?"

"Who is what?" replied Tasha.

"That little boy."

Tasha looked at her feet.

"Tash?" asked Amy, "what's going on?"

"I don't understand what you mean," replied Tasha. Amy could tell that she was lying.

Amy sighed and then handed the baby carrier to Tasha. Tasha took it and just watched as Amy walked through the house and then in the direction of the little boy's laugh. It led her to the backyard where her husband was sitting on the grass with a little boy next to him. This little boy was no older than five, and he was happily playing with Max.

And as beautiful as the scene was, Amy couldn't look past the fact that there was a strange little boy playing with her dog.

When Ian heard that someone was there, he stood up and brushed the grass off of his pants, "you're home," he said.

"You weren't expecting me," replied Amy, eyeing the little boy, "clearly."

Ian then walked up to Amy and took her hands in his own as he gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I am so glad you are home," he said.

High School Story: University Continues (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now