I looked at my clock 


I turned back over to go to sleep... Again. I felt just.... Crappy overall. I felt a warmth at my feet, Frank was there. I was tempted to kick him off, so so tempted. But I didn't. 

I actually felt bad for him. He was just laying around, doing nothing all day. Pretty much alone. 


My eyes fluttered open. My clock said, 


I sat up and rubbed my eyes, light shone through my curtains and lit up the room, it was a little bit brighter than it was this morning. 

Frank's face lit up. "Good, you're awake!" He said. 

"Did you ever leave?!" I asked. 

"Uh, nope." He replied. "But I made you a paper swan... Sort of." He handed it to me. 

The corners of my lips turned up. It wasn't that bad actually. I placed it on my nightstand. I tossed off my blankets and put my feet on my soft carpet, thank goodness I had a soft carpet. 

I stood up, and eminently felt dizzy. I hadn't stood up all day and that's what happens. I also felt pretty weak and shaky. Not only was I not feeling very well, I hadn't eaten at all that day. 

As soon as I stood up I almost fell over. "Whoa!" Frank said, making sure I didn't. "You should probably eat something." 

I nodded. He slipped an arm around my waist and I put an arm over his shoulder as I walked. 

Man I felt sick. I held my growling stomach and groaned. We went down the stairs to find that no one else was home. The wooden floor felt like ice against my bare feet. 

"Okay, so, bacon, pancakes and chocolate milk." Frank said as I sat down at the table and he opened the fridge. 

"Yup." I replied. 

He got out ingredients for pancakes and a big bowl. 


"Okay, here you go." He said as he gave me a plate with pancakes, butter, syrup and bacon on it. He placed a glass of milk on the table as well. He sat down. 

"Frank, you didn't need to do this." I said. 

"Okay, but I did." He added. 

I took a bite, and it tasted really good. I gave him a thumbs up as I stuffed my face. I started to feel better. 

"Okay, so we're going to watch a movie, probably." He broke the silence with. 

"What movie?" I asked. 

"Hmm, something that you'd like." He replied, rubbing his chin. "Indiana Jones?" 

"Sounds good." I agreed. "Frank, thank you, for everything. You're the best." I kissed him on the cheek. 

"You're welcome." He replied. "It's no problem. Now how about that movie?" 

I nodded and he went to go set it up. I rounded the corner and made my way over to the couch. He turned on the movie and sat down next to me. I tucked my legs under me and leaned on Frankie's shoulder as the opening theme came on. 

*After the movie* 

"Frank." I said, shaking him awake. I couldn't really get up because his head was leaning on mine. "Frankie wake up." 

He kind of just mumbled. "What?" He asked. 

"The movie's over." I replied, shaking him awake. 

Some People Hope (Frank Iero Fanfiction Carry On This Way Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now