Chapter 15

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"Get the hell outta here before I ruin your makeup." Macy scowled as one of Jerome's idiotic followers cowered before her. The older woman truly put the fear of God into people, an act she took extreme pride in.

"Macy? A call for you." A quite voice spoke from behind her. She turned, genuinely smiling at the younger woman who held out a phone to her.

  "Thanks." the younger woman nodded with a polite, somewhat shy smile before it diminished upon noticing another follower and the same one Macy threatened, beginning to toss a bottle of spiced peaches between them.

  "Hey assholes!" She snarled storming over to the two who replaced he had on the shelf before bolting from the stock room, Chiara on their tail.

Macy shook her head amused before lifting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Just take it easy buddy. You'll feel better tomorrow." Jerome wiped Jason's fevered forehead with a wet washcloth as he tucked the boy into bed.

"Where's Mommy?" Jerome tensed slightly at Jason's sleep muddled words.

"Mommy had to go out but she'll be back when you wake up tomorrow. Just get some sleep Jason." Jerome tried to assure, despite his own blood beginning to boil as different scenarios of what Jeremiah and Elsie could possibly be doing courses through his mind.

"Daddy, will you stay with me.... I don't want the monsters to get me." Jason's plead drew him from the fantasy of pouring bacon grease on Jeremiah.

"Yeah, sure kid." He pushed Jason over slightly so he could sit up against the headboard, wrapping an arm around Jason as the boy snuggled against his father's side.

Jason over the past few months had been afraid of 'monsters' in his bedroom, and much to Jerome's smugness, preferred him to Elsie to stay with him. He never minded, and it only had bothered him when he and Elsie were about to get lost in the throws of passion.

But he did find it ironic, that almost children would scream and consider his face to that of a nightmare, but Jason loved him. He didn't see a monster or a mass psychotic murder. He only saw his dad, and secretly Jerome was proud he was turning into the father he had always fantasized about having when he was still small enough to hope he'd rescue him and Jeremiah from Lila.

At Jason's sudden cough, he unconsciously began to rub his back in soothing circles. Snorting a laugh, Jerome could only imagine ole Jimbo's face if he ever saw this scene, hell, Brucie's own reaction would be  priceless.

Maybe it was time to pay his favorite little billionaire and cop a visit after all.

"Yes.... right there..... mmmhmm perfect! Oh, you're doing so good."

"I only get better with you my love."

"Okay, in a minute I'll be ready to come with you at the climax..... right..... about..... there!" Elsie cried out happily.

Jeremiah smirked as their fingers  began to fly across the keys of the piano, in perfect sync as they played. "Oh you've improved so much." She praised once they had finished the song.

"I've been practicing. It wasn't hard to find a grand piano in the more residential district," Jeremiah beamed at the attention and praise "I've got a wonderful teacher of course."

"You've just got a good memory, you remembered what you taught you." She bashfully shrugged and Jeremiah shook his head.

"No, no. You're a good teacher Elsie, I do hope you teach the children. Music is a gift that not everyone is able to possess. Like Jerome for instance." He sniffed haughtily at the mention of his lesser twin and immediately regretted bringing him up as Elsie's happy demeanor deflated at the mention of her husband.

"You know, I made sure to rescue some of the more priceless pieces at the Gotham Art Museum... I even collected a particular piece that you may remember..... that one of Catherine of Aragon?" Elsie's sad demeanor faded as quickly as it came and she stared at him wide eyed.

"The same one that we looked at when we went out to the museum?" She didn't want to say date, as it technically wasn't.

"The very same. I know how much you loved it and knew it would break your heart if it was destroyed or vandalized." He smirked, rising from the piano bench and offered his gloved hand.

After a moment, she complied, accepting it, and remaining silent as Jeremiah tucked her arm into his, leading her out of the small library and into the hall.

So far, they had played a game of chess, played the piano and were now going to observe art. It was far from what she was accepting, but there was something about Jeremiah that she could never deny, not even in a court of all.

Jeremiah Valeska, for all his trouble and clear, perfect sanity....

Was a perfect gentleman.

Dim The Circus Lights (Book 2 of Beneath The Circus Lights)Where stories live. Discover now