Chapter 23

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Elsie followed Jerome inside of a rundown farmhouse , completely bemused as to why he had driven them way out just in the boarder of the city limits.

"Go on." Jerome opened a door, revealing horse stalls, also absorbed and run down. She would have completely disregarded them, had it not been for the faint whimpering that came from the darkened stalls.

Peering in, Elsie stared at a teenage boy, maybe around fourteen of fifteen, his obviously once white shirt now darkened from hay, mud and blood.

His face was bloodied and he stared at Elsie in fear, or rather, he stared at Jerome peering over her shoulder.

"Jerome what is this about?" Elsie glanced at her husband who took her chin, gently turning it back to the boy who by this point had crawled against the wall.

"This, is my gift to you. This is Adam. Adam here is the son of the engineer who was supposed to have checked over your brother's plane before his fatal crash, but instead, was too busy screwing a flight attendant in a nearby bar." Elsie swallowed thickly, looking at the boy who by this point had pulled his knees to his chest, his body shaking with tremors.

"That still isn't answering my question, why is he here?" Elsie tore her gaze from the boy only to find Jerome's face inches from her own.

Pressing their foreheads together, Jerome took her hands, giving them a light squeeze.

"Elsie, dollface, babe, sugar tits. This is revenge, justice whatever the hell you wanna call it. Kill him and I'll send his body back to his dear little family so he can feel exactly what you've felt the past five years."

Ripping her hands from his, Elsie glared at him, frustration obvious and Jerome's grin began to falter. "Killing him won't bring Jason back. Nothing will. All you have managed to do, was dig up the past that should have remained in the past," Her lip curled in a sneer, "This is sloppy work also Jerome. He isn't from Gotham, we didn't need other states getting involved in this city's affairs, Jeremiah managed to get them to abandon the city so it can be reborn; unlike your brother, all you have managed to do is almost completely destroy all the hard work I've been trying to do!" Elsie moved so she was inches from Jerome's face.
  Gripping his chin tightly, she plastered on a sickly sweet smile. "Get him on the next boat out of here. Make sure someone follows him so he keeps his damn mouth shut. If I ever hear of you bringing outsiders into Gotham again, I will personally castrate you and we won't have to worry about protection anymore."

  Tearing her hand from his face, she patted it none too gently before swaggering from the room, missing the absolutely unhinged livid stare Jerome sent after her retreating form.

  Cynthia was a confident young woman, that much could be said about her. But after revealing to Jim that she was pregnant, she couldn't maintain eye contact with him as she waited in silence for his reaction to her news.

  For the most part Jim was collected, though his mind was running with a thousand thoughts. Cynthia was a sweet girl, but what they had was never intended to go beyond their past nights together. If not for Lee and him being twice her age, maybe things could have been different.

  But things weren't different and at the moment, he had two different women expecting children from him. If Harvey was present, more than likely the elder cop would have suggested Jim have a drink and make a crude joke about him going through women faster than Henry the eighth. It was Cynthia clearing her throat that brought Jim back to reality and he watched the girl lace her hands, which she tried to keep from shaking.

"I'm not getting an abortion. I'm keeping the baby. I'm not asking you to come move in for me and help pick out a nursery; but I am offering for you to be involved in our baby's life. Get to know her and stuff, be her dad."

"Her? You already know the gender?" Jim watches a flash of a smile appear on the young redhead's face before it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"No, but I have a feeling it's a girl. I always wanted a sister when I was little, growing up with only brothers will do that," Jim's lips quirked into a smile before it vanished as Cynthia for to her feet, "so, I guess I'll see you around Jim." She went to pass him, but he grabbed her arm, noting how she flicked at the sudden motion.

"Hold on. I want to be apart of our child's life. But I need you to promise me you'll be careful Cyn. Take a break from the Vixens. Try to distance yourself from Elsie and especially Jerome Valeska." Cynthia glared at her former lover.

  "Elsie and Jerome are practically my family. As for the Vixens, do you honestly think I'm stupid enough to go out into the field?" She scoffed, trying to tug her arm free from Jim's grip.

"Cynthia. Jerome is dangerous. The only reason he hasn't hurt you yet is because of Elsie. You don't know him, he's a manipulative psychopath and the thing about Jerome is, he gets jealous very easily, and you're Elsie's best friend. How long do you think it'll be before he gets jealous of the attention she'll be giving you once your pregnant becomes more viable?" Cynthia turned her face from Jim, refusing to believe his words.

Jerome was like a brother to her. He would never intentionally hurt her.....

But the small rational part of her brain agreed with Jim. The only living things Jerome truly cared for were Elsie be the children and Elsie herself had already confined with her that she was starting to fear the redhead who was her husband, so where did that leave Cynthia?

   Jim gave her a knowing look, loosening his grip on her arm. "Please Cyn. Move to the Green Zone, where at least I can keep an eye on you." Cynthia's gaze snapped up and she ripped her arm from him, glaring harshly.

  "Fuck you! What you want me to move there so you can keep me locked away like a little mistress when your slutty wife's away? I don't play the supporting role in any relationship Jim." She hissed, turning on her heel to leave he office, only to have Jim cut her off, placing his hand over the door, blocking her.

"First, don't you ever talk about Lee like that, you understand me? I know you Cynthia. You're an adrenaline junkie. You crave the rush of being out on the street fighting and it wouldn't take you long to go searching for a rush. Don't risk yourself or our kid for that." Jim's gaze softened, and he titled her chin up, blue eyes pleading.

  Cynthia felt a flutter move through her chest at his words, our kid. He was accepting their unborn baby already. Maybe she would consider his proposal.... she was a sucker for his damn baby blues...

"I'll try to contain myself, why you looking to fill the void?" She flirted unintentionally, the words only registering after she spoke.

  They stood there in always silence for a moment before Jim cleated his throat, releasing her arm.

"I'm going to have an officer escort you home." Jim went to his phone and Cynthia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"I'm not helpless James, I know how to defend myself." At the stern look the older blonde man gave her, she pouted, but allowed him to dial, the pout falling as a small affectionate smile overtook it.

Perhaps it wasn't as bad as she thought.......

  Macy was going to be pissed though. She and Jerome had made a bet on Jim's reaction (Elsie had been disgusted by the bet, Cynthia too nervous herself to get upset) and the dark haired assassin had just lost.

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