Chapter 12

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   The moment Elsie entered the house, all she could hear was loud heart breaking cries. Jason's wails of pain echoed off the walls, accompanied by the twins, who's brother's cries have woken from their nap.

"Thank the Lord you're back," Bessie sighed in relief, coming to stand at the top of the stairs as Elsie made her way up "I've been checking in on Jerome but mainly, I've been trying to get the little ones to calm down."

The housekeeper looked frazzled and Elsie rested a calm hand on her shoulder, though internally she was a nervous wreck. "Just keep the twins calm, I'll call you if I need anything." The older woman nodded before horridly making her away down the hall to the nursery.

Elsie found Jason in his bedroom, a trash can being held below his chin by Jerome who used his free hand to press a wash cloth against the child's forehead, the scarred redhead looking uncomfortable and lost about what to do.

"I don't know what happened. He just came into the weapons room and said he wet the bed and suddenly threw up his breakfast." Jerome looked stressed beyond belief and Elsie frowned, moving close to observe Jason closer.

  The toddler's olive colored face was flushed a dark red and a sheen of sweat covered his face. "Oh baby, it's okay. Mommy's here." She cupped a burning cheek and wiped the tears away.

"My tummy hurts Mommy. It hurts!" Jason whimpered before he suddenly looked down, throwing up in the bucket, whimpering from the action and his mother rubbed his back soothingly.

"It's okay sweetheart. You're okay, just let it out," She sighed and glanced at Jerome before taking the wash cloth and began to clean Jason's face "have you noticed anything odd recently?"

"Define odd?" Jerome tried to joke away the nervousness he felt, but one glare from his wife had him sobering up "Yeah, he's been wetting the bed a lot, but I just assumed it was because you weren't back yet or just nightmares, and he hasn't had too much of an appetite till you got back." Elsie narrowed her eyes at the statement.

"Fuck." she pulled away from Jason slightly and Jerome looked at her alarmed.

"What? What is it?" Jerome's green eyes searched her face as she covered her mouth.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but it sounds like he's got a urinary tract infection. My little brother had the same symptoms years ago. We have to get him some proper medical attention." Elsie stood, reaching down to lift Jason into her arms.

"I can carry him." Jerome offered. Elsie moved past him, silently, tossing her car keys at him in her way.

"I don't trust myself to drive right now without crashing."

After four minutes of driving in silence, (except for Jason's whimpers of pain) Elsie voices her confusion. "This isn't the way to the green zone." She frowned at the unfamiliar streets.

"We're not going there. There's nothing for us there and more than likely they'd shoot me on the spot. So, no. We're not going there." Jerome kept his gaze on the road and Elsie pursed her lips restraining herself from snapping at him.

"Then where are you driving us?"

"There's a witch in the park."

"The witch..... Jerome your son is sick. He could develop kidney failure if this doesn't get treated in time. Now is not the time to make jokes." She snared and Jason buried his face further in her chest.

"I'm not joking. There's some girl out there with plant powers or some shit. She's our best hope," Jerome explained, glancing at Jason in his wife's arms "I wouldn't ever risk Jason like that if I knew it was false."

When they arrived at the park, it was empty, as would be expected and had it not been for the large green house covered in large vines and other assorted flora, the family wouldn't have known where to search first.

Jerome entered first, keeping a protective arm before Elsie who's gaze flickered around the large room. The plants were alive, and not in the usual sense, but rather that they had minds of their own.

It unsettled her slightly, feeling the raw power of another being in touch with nature like herself.

"Jerome Valeska, we finally meet. But you've got a hell of a nerve coming into my home." A cool collected voice came from before them and from the cusp of the flowers, a red headed woman stepped out, her eyes narrowed suspiciously while her hands rested on the large vines that draped over her like snakes.

"So you're the witch. I was expecting an old hag or something, not the goddess of spring, Persephone in disguise. Nice to know I was wrong." Jerome, ever the charmer, however it seemed to have little affect on the other redhead.

"Give me one good reason why I don't have my babies squeeze the life out of you?" She asked and Elsie took that moment to step foreword, ensuring the other woman got a glance at Jason.

"Our son is sick. He needs medicine and we were hoping you could help us." She stared before pulling Jason close to her figure again.

"I have no reason to help you. In fact, I hate anyone with the name Valeska and since you're married to one, Elsie Daniels, that makes you a Valeska too." Ivy sniffed haughty.

"Why? What did I ever do to you toots?!" Jerome asked, highly offended that someone who had never met him, hated him.

"Not you. That bastard of a brother of yours. He almost killed Selina. For that alone I loathe him and anyone associated with him. Besides, if I kill you three now, that'll be three less plant killers in the world." Ivy's gaze darkened confidently and the plants began to creep closer to the family.

"We'll do anything, please. He's just a child." Elsie begged, noting that Jerome's hand itches towards the gun and knives hidden on his person. The last thing they needed was him shooting Ivy or her plants and pissing the woman off even more.

"Well, there is one thing you could do." Ivy's words has her plants pause as she thought beforehand smirk crossed her face.

"Anything." The couple said in union and they glanced at each other briefly before turning their attrition back to the red headed woman.

"Bring Jeremiah Valeska to me."

For the sake of myself and other refers, please don't reveal any spoilers for the ending of Gotham nor any events in the final season not mentioned in the book please', thanks!

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