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Just a friend

It was spreading like wildfire. It was fast and it's almost the talk of the day. Jimin knew it will come to this but he didn't expect that it would be to quick... sudden. He was of course devastated, not about the breakup itself, rather, he was horrendously worried for his best friend. Jimin, as he passed through the hallway, receives such looks from everyone.

He also unintentionally hears malicious whispers at his side as he walks, saying how a fool Jeongyeon really is. Saying how someone like her would impossibly make a cold-hearted guy fall for her in the first place. Jimin gritted his teeth in pure agitation. He was just playing it cool by controlling his anger. The rumor sounded one sided and negative. All was directed to Jeongyeon, his bestfriend.

Jeongyeon and Taehyung broke up this day.

That is the gossip everybody is feasting of. Kim Taehyung is a cold guy, mysterious even but girls drool over his god-like appearance. Some say he is a Casanova but knowing him better, Jimin knew he wasn't. In contrary, he is the total opposite of what everybody sees. Jeongyeon knows this, even Jimin. But Taehyung being himself, he decidedly wanted to show his cold features.

Jimin clenched his jaw, he was angered by the fact that no one completely knew the story but everybody's giving a fuck about it. Jeongyeon was broken hearted, of course, it is the first relationship she'd gotten into.

Jimin breathed in and out. Just a little push, he'll lose his mind already.

From a far distance, a familiar figure approaches him. Jimin didn't said a word or gave him a glance. He was in his natural posture-an emotionless expression, his straight gait, and hands in the pocket. The tension felt heavy once the two passed by each other.

"Aniyo." Jimin breathed heavily as he talked to himself.


He says again, louder this time. Jimin closed his eyes and opened them again.

This day had been too stressful, not only for him, but also for Jeongyeon. It is the first time he saw her broken. How her eyes in a reddish state, there were dried tears over her cheeks and she wouldn't speak a word or two which is unusual of Yoo Jeongyeon that Jimin knows.

He aggressively brushed his hair with his fingers. Before anything else, Jimin sharply looked over his back and snapped.

"Kim Taehyung!"

His voice sounded deadly-as if all of his anger were poured over calling the man's name.

Taehyung gazed at his direction seconds after and unexpectedly, a raging Jimin clasped the collar of his uniform and dragged him forward. A small whimper escaped Taehyung's lips as his back aggressively hit the stock of lockers. The man didn't care.

"What did you do?" Jimin asked angrily, his jaw was sharp.

Instead of being intimidated, Taehyung's laugh hummed in the air. Low. Deep-toned.

"How sweet." he mimicked. "Just like in any dramas. Boy best friend being the night and shining armor as usual."

Jimin swallowed, gazing at the man in front.

"What. did. you. do." He repeated, sternly this time.

"Please Jimin, don't act too innocent." Taehyung simply answered.

Their gazes burned. Jimin tighten his grasp on his collar and Taehyung stares back with daggers in his eyes.

"You still remember it don't you?" Taehyung asked. "Please don't be an idiot, I know you do."

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