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Stuck with You


Jeongyeon runs towards the elevator with a frantic look on her face, the doors already closed but she was continuously pressing the buttons at the sides, hoping it would open. She's going to be late, well, she doesn't usually find herself in such situations but today is an exception.

"Please. Please." She whispered. "Fucking door." Cursing at the end.

And there's a ring of a bell.

Then the door opened.

She scurried inside with a smile of relief and only to find out there weren't much of a passenger—just one actually, he was situated at the corner clothed in dark coat and pants. She hadn't given more fuss about it because she doesn't care and she was preoccupied of something more important.

Jeongyeon pressed the button '16' and waited at the latter corner, watching the numbers at the top scroll in movement.











There was a loud thud that resonated just above their heads and the elevator swiveled in a short aggressive shake, after that, the lights came blinking in for a few seconds and stopped. The hinges hummed softly and it felt like it would cascade down anytime soon and crash onto ground, but thankfully, nothing came after.

Jeongyeon stood there, letting the matter sink in. And as if her reaction had delayed, she walked towards the front and pressed the button for speaker.

"Hello? Care to tell me what happened here?" Pleasing to hear her voice calm but ended up with stutters.

There was an audible sigh that came after that, but it wasn't coming from the speaker.

"Obviously, the electricians failed to do their work once again. It happens every time in this damn elevator." He said. "I should have taken the stairs."

Jeongyeon gazed over her shoulder to see the man, staring back at her with no worry flashed in his eyes, he's calm despite the situation. Slowly, she could hear her beating heart, thundering at every second.

"You're saying were stuck here?" She asked, talking to a complete stranger. "But I have presentations to do! They're waiting for me at the office and... and—"

I have a date with my boyfriend, she answered at the back of her mind.

"Pabo." Jeongyeon whispered. She quickly opened her phone, looked at bars at the corner and for merlin's sake, it was empty. She checked the wi-fi if ever she could get any reception but nothing came.

"You must be kidding me."

She let go of her suitcase she'd been holding for quite a time now and moved at the other side, there wasn't much space ahead but she's thankful enough of the distance that separates between them. She tiptoed, raised her hands with her phone in the air.

"We must get out of here."

Jimin was following her under his gaze, he can't deny being entertained at the time being. "Yeah. I know."

She once again pressed the button for the speaker and began asking for assistance but no answers were heard.

"We have to find a way."

Jeongmin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now