Special Chapter

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🤟 Bangtwice Group Chat 🤟

Worldwide Handsomeness 😎 started a video call

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Worldwide Handsomeness 😎 started a video call.

Worldwide Handsomeness 😎 ended the call.

Worldwide Handsomeness 😎 waved hello to the group.






Genius SUGA 🧠😼: The hell with you?

Genius SUGA 🧠😼:  I'm having a nap here and you're flooding me with tons of notifications. 

Worldwide Handsomeness 😎: Then leave the group, Yoongi-ah. It isn't that hard, is it? 😝

Genius SUGA 🧠😼 left the group.

Justin Seagull 💪😄added Min Yoongi to the group.

Justin Seagull 💪😄change Min Yoongi's nickname to Genius SUGA 🧠😼.

J-HOOOOOPEEEE 🌞: Looks like Yoongi woke up on the wrong side of the bed ㅋㅋㅋ

Justin Seagull 💪😄:  What's with the video call, Jin-hyung? It's early in the morning. Everybody seems to be still asleep.

Yeontannie~🐶: Obviously he's missing someone. Right hyung?

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