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𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓗𝓲𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 1

Jeongyeon scratched her head in pure irritation. She had been sleepless for days, thinking of different solutions on how to compromise the continuous piling rental bills of her apartment, electricity, and her daily allowances. She had been working non-stop, she enters college in the morning and works as a waitress in a certain restaurant in the evening.

"What now?" She scoffed, on the verge of giving up. "Mrs. Choi will be collecting the payments a few days from now and I still have no money... or even a penny to offer."

"Why don't you sign up for another work? Like in the groceries." One of her closest friends, Nayeon, suggested.

Even if she likes the idea of it, she doesn't think her body can endure the workload and the stress. She still needs to excel in academics and balance her studies with her social life. She has other options like she can ask for money from her parents but she doesn't want that. She feels like a burden and she wanted to be independent and make money of her own.

"Or you can babysit?" Nayeon once again suggested.

"As if I had the time in the world."

"Or you can work in the strip club?" Jihyo, another friend, said with a foolish grin in her lips, wiggling her eyebrows.

"As if I'm qualified for the job," Jeongyeon answered uninterestingly and the three suddenly laughed out loud.

Jeongyeon had not been a girly type of a person like Nayeon. Her style completely differs from the two. She wears baggy clothes and mostly ties her long hair, wears glasses and isn't fond of colorful accessories. But she can pull it off.

"Aha!" Nayeon quirked which garnered a questioning look from the two.

"I know. I know. I have an idea!"

"What?" Jeongyeon asked, expecting.

"It's only two days before Valentine's day, right?"

They nodded.

"Every year, during Valentine's week, students do some kind of gig where they can earn enough money to cover up their expenses." Nayeon explains excitedly.

"And what is that?" Jihyo asked, dying to know the answer.

"It's some kind of... kind of hiring-type of a gig. Like—like, when they hire someone to spend Valentine's day with."

"The Girlfriend or Boyfriend for hire thing?"

"Yes! Yes! That's the one." Nayeon pointed at Jeongyeon's direction, showing her bunny smile.

"Looks like a child's game."

"You're not getting it, Jeongie." Nayeon clarified. "Yes. It may sound like a childish game but it isn't what we have to worry. Money! That's the thing. I guarantee you; you will be paid a great chunk of bucks."

"How much?" Jihyo asked, curious as ever.

"The maximum ranges from fifty to one-hundred dollars, I'm not sure, but it depends on what figure you have agreed upon."

Jeongyeon's ear rung. This is much greater than her whole salary for a week working as a waitress. She suddenly thought of it, tried to include it to her options. It won't hurt, right? Only this once. Only this once. And she needed money right now. If she won't be able to pay her expenses in time, she'll be kicked out in her apartment and she has no place to go.

"You must be kidding me." Jeongyeon snorted.

"No, I'm not," Nayeon answered, her smile widens. "I know someone who works in it. Want me to sign you up?"

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