Twenty Four

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"You sure eat a lot." Jisoo asked when she watched the younger girl who sat across her eating like there was no tomorrow.

"I" She simply answered which was followed by Jisoo's soft laugh.

Jisoo closely watched Rosie munching her food. It seemed like the girl forgot to breath and just kept putting food into her mouth. Jisoo chuckled lightly realizing how cute Rosie when she ate her food. Rosie stopped as she noticed how Jisoo kept watching her.

"Don't you want to finish your food??" Rosie asked which startled Jisoo. She then cleared her throat and looked at her food.

"Ye-yeah of course." Jisoo answered as she began to eat her salad.

Rosie just smiled, "Fufu.. If you don't want it, you can give it to me."

Jisoo looked up, "Yeah sure. You want it?"

Rosie chuckled, "What? You know I was just kidding. You haven't even touched it since we sat down."

"I am willing to give it to you if you ask me."

"Haha cute..." She said then continued eating. Jisoo realized what she had been doing and she didn't even know why she became this soft towards Rosie. She just felt sorry towards her because of how Jennie had been treating her. After she got closer to her, she definitely thought that Rosie deserved so much better than this. She couldn't even imagine Rosie being hurt or heart broken. She was willing to do anything just to keep the smile on her face.

"Jisoo," suddenly Rosie called which pulled Jisoo back to reality from her deep thoughts. "Who do you think win in a battle: Captain Marvel or Wonder Woman?"

Jisoo just chuckled at how random Rosie was, "Well... both are very strong women. Captain Marvel got superpower while Wonder Woman is literally a God. Why should they fight in the first place? They can be that powerful couple." Jisoo smiled proudly.

"Owh! I agree!" Rosie gave Jisoo a thumb up, "You know I've been seeing this arguments over internet where these fanboys fighting over who's gonna win in a battle between Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman. Why they keep pinning women to each other while they can be that powerful and unbeatable couple?!" Rosie said excitedly. Jisoo just laughed.

"Sorry for being so random." Rosie said.

"You kidding? Please don't be! You know I can talk about anything with you. You're so comfortable to be with."

Rosie looked at her as she smiled widely, "Thank you, Jisoo."

Rosie didn't know that she needed Jisoo's company today after the tension she had with Jennie. Jisoo was pretty funny. Rosie also liked her presence.

After lunch, Jisoo and Rosie walked together while at times laughing at each other's random jokes. Jisoo was the one who mostly threw a joke and made Rosie laughed. Jisoo liked making the girl laughing and seeing that smile which made her heart warmer. They decided to go back to the council office as they brought Jennie lunch.

They stepped into the room and found Jennie on the table with the same position as when they left her.

"Hi, Jennie. Here I brought you lunch." Jisoo approached Jennie's table and put her lunch on it. Jennie looked up to Jisoo and then smiled. Jisoo almost frowned to see Jennie's face; she looked really exhausted. More exhausted than before. Jisoo saw Jennie's eyes landed on the girl who was standing behind her. Jennie stood up from her seat and walked closer to the girl.

"Rosie..." Jennie started the conversation. Rosie smiled. "I am really sorry...for what I did earlier. I've been stressed out but I put it out on you. I am really sorry."

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