Chapter 14-Lets Fight.

Start from the beginning

"You know this isn't your battle you know"

"It is now" I said leaning in kissing him. "Every problem you have, becomes mine" I watched as Jace smiled at me. Real smile, a real smile. I looked down at the way his long black top clung to his torso perfectly, the way his dark wash jeans clung to his hips perfectly and they weren't hanging low like some boys trousers. He had loads of girls wanting him, but he was my bad boy nobody elses.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. "Food!!" Cleo shouted jumping up and opening the door. Cleo backed away from the door slowly and in walked four guys and two girls. The same guys that threatened me and Jace, the same guys that kidnapped me, Cleo and Liv. I thought back to the names that Jace wrote down.

John Richards, I could gaurentee that was the guy stood in the front. The guy who put the gun to my head and threatened Cleo.

James Ferguson, I guessed he was the one stood on the right, but it was a guess.

Chris Smith, He was the biggest out of them all and more than likely the second leader after Mr Prescott judging by his size, and the way he stands. The girl next to him was unknown.

Darren Hughes, the last one on the left. He was stood next to the other unknown girl, but that was a guess too.

Jace and his brothers instantly stood up and dashed in front of everyone. Jesse grabbed Cleo putting her behind him. same with Ben who put Liv behind him. Liv looked frightened, she always did struggle with looking tough. Unlike school where nobody messed with her because she was with me and Cleo, but this wasn't school this was real life and these guys were dangerous.

"Jace Hunter" The biggest guy said.

"Chris, what the fuck do you want?" Jace said pushing me behind him. So that was Chris, I was right.

"Hello again Charlie" Chris said, ignoring Jace's questions he stared at me. He was creepy and honestly he needed a good kick, of course he'd get it one day. The two girls were staring at me, the one who was stood next to Chris was shooting daggers at me.

"What you looking at love, jealous because your pathetic guy is paying me more attention than yourself?" I said to the girl. "Your welcome to him, he's disgusting" I said looking at him smirking.

"Bit of a gob on you havent you sweetcheeks" Chris said.

"Pay less attention to my girl and more attention to my question, what do you want?" Jace said serious. His back muscles were all tensed and I could see he was angry. "Last time i'm going to ask, before I kill you and your friends"

"Well we hadn't heard of Charlie recently, So Mr Prescott sent us to deliver a message. Well to let you know that the message had been delivered" Chris smirked.

I put my hand on Jace's back and I felt him relax slightly into my touch. You could tell that something bad was going to go down by the way everyone was stood. "Do you really want this fight right here?" I asked stepping out from behind Jace. Cleo and Liv had ran and locked themselves in the bedroom with Esme luckily. "There's more of us than of you" I said. I stood my ground and held my head high, for once I didnt let fear take me down.

"You sure about that?" Just as the words left Chris's mouth, another 4 guys walked into the room guns in there hands. "Now it's fair"

"You want a fight? Let's fight" I said pulling my fist back and punching him. I was pulled back by Jace. "I'm tough enough to take him"

"Not bad" Chris said wiping his bloody nose.

Suddenly Chris flew his fist towards me, only to be pushed away by Jace who took the punch. Jace's head flicked to the side from the punch, but he was still standing. I was looking at Jace's face to see if he was okay, only to be grabbed by my hair backwards. I felt a punch to my face as my head cocked back. I had been grabbed by one of the girls and punched in the face by the girl Chris was with.

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