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Published 8/21/19

I had met yami around 4 years ago walking down a beach on one of my many travels. I had found him unconscious laying on the edge of the water. He wasn't injured from what I could tell. I brought him back with me to my temporary home in town.

Yami was asleep for around 2 days before he woke up. He was an interesting kid. With a strange power. He told me it was Dark Magic. Yami can uses this magic to generate and manipulate elements of darkness. He is able to control his magic by channeling it into his sword.

Yami is typically a very quiet person that only speaks a few words. However, he is also a hot head, who could be easily enraged by something as small as being bumped into. He has a small addiction to smoking and drinking which I yell at him all the time for. He's also a big gambler.

I had taken yami in for around 2 years. We traveled where ever we could. Doing things we weren't supposed to do. We were very close to one another, we were almost like siblings.

I had trained yami in sword fighting so he could protect him self. After 1 year of traveling with eachother I had a special katana made for him. With money I won from gambling, and street performing.

But after parting 2 years ago, we had no contact with one another. No letters, nothing. But that's to be expected when you never stay in one place for two long.

"How have you been? Hope you've been staying out of trouble." I slightly joked. Yami was one of the few people to ever live to see me this relaxed.

"Tch... You know trouble follows us both, no matter where ever we go" yami stated.

"That I can agree with" I said, a small smile gracing my lips looking down at yami. "You've gotten bigger".

"And you've gotten uglier" he grumbled causing me to chuckle.

"What have you been doing these days, and what's with the fancy get up? " yami asked sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. Putting his elbow on his leg and setting his head in his hand. Scanning my new clothing.

I follow his actions sitting down. "Well... I joined an organization... sorta" I then begin my long explanation of what has happened over the time we've been apart. There was one thing for sure though. I would not allow yami to join the black order. I wouldn't even allow the black order to know of his existence.

I would kill anybody that tried to force yami to do anything. I wouldn't allow anybody or Anything to get to yami. Yami was my only family that I trusted with my life. And by god and what ever people believe in. I would keep him safe till my last breath. Till my last heart beat.

Yami then explained what he's been up to over the two years.

Do We Have A Deal? (D.gray Man) Various X OcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ