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(Created by me) 

Published 4/6/19

This chapter is dedicated to PrincessScotia for being the first person to vote on my story.  THANK U

We were digging up one of the graves which I found really disgusting. Allen had found a shovel and Lavi had a piece of wood and I had created a crystal shovel.

"I just noticed" allen said stopping his digging.

I stopped digging looking up at him

"I thought I recognized the smell that those carnivorous plants were giving off. My master grew the same plant once." Allen stated.

"Huh? " lavi and I questioned.

" it was just a small, potted thing, but it was definitely the same flower." Allen said and continued to dig.

"Then Marshall cross planted those flowers?" Lavi asked.

"It's very possible." Allen responded.

I started to dig again aswell and as soon as my shovel hit the dirt I heard a thud.

"There it is" allen exclaimed.

Allen and lavi lifted the top off the casket.

"As we suspected" lavi said.

I stared down at the remains of the akuma.  I felt the Cross on my cest and hands pulse.  I let out a small gasp and grabbed at my chest.

Normally I only ever felt the pulse in my hands and they never hurt but when my chest cross pulses it's very hard to breathe and is slightly painful.

Allen and lavi look up at me in concern.

"Are you ok"?Allen lifts his hand to touch me and I smack it away shocking him.

"I'm fine, I don't need your help kid" I grumbled. 

"HEY,  HE WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP" lavi exclaimed.  I glared at lavi.  "I don't need nor want your help" I growled at them.

"What the hell is your problem?!  All we have been is nice to ya,  and ya act colder than kanda, you maybe smoking hot but your personality does not match your looks" lavi exclaimed standing in my face now.

My eyes narrowed and I let go of my chest ignoring the pain in it.

"I didn't ask to come along,  I didn't ask for your kindness,  I didn't ask to be dragged into a word full of akuma.  I DIDN'T ASK TO BE A MONSTER!  I DIDN'T ASK TO BE BORN! " I yelled at lavi now losing my composure. My right foot stomping to the ground.

Lavi's eye widen in shock as he took a few steps away from me.  His eyes no longer on me but what was behind me.

I slowly turned around and my body froze.

My emotions got out of control again. The wall of the Castle that was behind me was covered in giant blood red Crystals that were very sharp.  They stuck out in every direction.  But that was not the most scariest part. 

The crystals were shaped into a demon face on the wall. (Pic above)

I took a few steps back.  The demon face flashing with multiple other images in my head.  I looked over my shoulder to allen and lavi to see them looking at me with shock and fear. 

"I'm sorry" I mumbled before taking off running away.

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