You Know This Moment?

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You know this moment when someone says even the smallest thing about the fandoms (for me its mainly hp) and all the class turns to look at you? And youre like, "I'm a fangirl and proud, yo!"

And when you start rambling about a fandom so hard you cant stop and all your muggle and mortal friends think you're weird (which is actually true)?

Every fangirl had this moment when she finds another fangirl and starts FANGIRLING SO LOUD AND SO INTENSLY THAT YOU CANT EVEN-

(I'll talk about this later- Nikole, you know what I'm talking about ;))

What about when you find that one of the people in your class is a fangirl and you start doing that all the time?

And when you and someone else talk about a fandom and suddenly someone else erupts from the shadows and says- "You're talking about *isnsert fandom here*?"

And then you're like "Oh, you too?"

And when someone says something that has even the slightest resemblance to a fandom and youre like "OMG YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT _______?!" And they stare at you with a 'you're weird' look?!!!!

Comment which of these happened to you! I had all of these in my weird life ^_^

Also, if you have more fangirl moments I haven't mentioned above just mention them in the comments and I'll add them!

-Dawn ;)

Dedication to THE ONE AND ONLY @theflyingsnitch ! Thanks so much for all the votes and comments! ♡

I'll update more when I get home ;)

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