As the car was getting closer to Sandy Beach, Tasha found that even she was getting nervous. She really hoped that Mr Wilson would be in a good mood and hopefully seeing Cody would make him feel so much better. Any time Tasha looked at Cody, she just wanted to smile so hopefully Cody would have had the same effect of Mr Wilson.


"So, this is it," said Annabelle as she stepped out of her car and went to get her son.

"Are you more nervous or excited now?" asked Isabella.

"Nervous now," replied Annabelle.

Then, with that over, the girls lead Annabelle and Cody to the front door and Tasha opened it. Part of her was glad that her parents were not home and it was just Mr Wilson inside. It would give him and Annabelle some time to talk.

Tasha then looked at her hand.

They were trembling now so she made fists to hide the trembling.

She didn't want Annabelle to see that she was nervous.

When Tasha opened the door, she led Isabella, Annabelle and Cody to the lounge room where Mr Wilson was doing his year twelve marking. Tash was pleading with her hands to stop shaking.

It was embarrassing.

Mr Wilson stood up from his work and he made his way over to Tasha, "Tasha, where have you b...Belle?"

"Mr Wilson," replied Annabelle, "or should I call you Ian now?"

Tasha and Isabella smiled awkwardly as Mr Wilson glared at them before he looked at Annabelle, "can you give us a minute?"

Annabelle nodded.

Mr Wilson then led the girls to the kitchen where they could talk in private. It was clear that he didn't know whether to be furious or happy right now. Tasha hoped that he didn't yell at them too much because she felt like she had done a good thing right now.

"We wanted you to see Cody again and Belle wants you in her son's life," said Isabella.

Mr Wilson just looked at Isabella and Tasha was a little jealous. He didn't seem like he was going to get angry with her.

And then he glared at Tasha.

This was so unfair.

"You did go through my stuff," he said.

"I am sorry for lying but it was something I had to do. I wanted you to see Cody again. Just talk to them."

"Fine. Do I have your word that you will not eavesdrop?" replied Mr Wilson, keeping his temper.

Isabella and Tasha nodded, but they didn't have any intention of no eavesdropping. This was one conversation they were not going to miss. And after Mr Wilson went back into the lounge room, the girls tried their best to hide and listen at the same time.


"So, this is Cody?" asked Ian, smiling at Cody who was playing with his plane. He was so cute.

"It is. He is a lot like you," replied Annabelle.

"What are you doing here, Belle?"

"I wanted to see you."


"I want use to be a family again. I want you in Cody's life."

"I can't do that."


"Didn't Tasha tell you that I am her brother-in-law? I am married to her sister."

"So? Divorce her. I want us to be a family again."

High School Story: University Continues (re-written)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang