As for my pregnancy, I took Sam's advice and grew up about it. It was no use being a bitch over every time someone asked about who the baby's father was. People were going to question it. I was just going to have to smile, hold my head up and say that he left before he found out I was pregnant and I had a great support system without him. I now welcomed my little baby. I couldn't wait to find out whether its a boy or a girl or maybe both! I'd love to have a big(ish) family. 

After my acceptance of my future child, I was counting down the weeks until I'd be able to find out what I'd have. Sam and Kate were equally excited to find out the sex of their God-child or children. Alexander dreaded having the baby in the house, mainly because Sam wouldn't be paying attention to him any more. That big baby. Sam had a handful. 

Work was going great. I made a few friends in the Editing Department. Their names were Yulie, Vanessa and Kylie. They were really nice and funny. They also had an open personality that made it easy to feel at ease with them. We went to lunch together almost all the time and they got really protective of me when they found out I was pregnant. Oh and speaking of my baby, he/she so generously liberated me from drinking coffee. The taste was now repulsing. Thanks little one. I'll make you pay once you're older.

We were at Applebee's one day when a fellow male coworker asked me out. His name was Danny. He had deep dark brown eyes, a dimpled smile and longish hair that he swept up. He was really cute. Almost everyone liked him because he was so caring and his smile and personality was contagious. He made everyone smile and he enjoyed helping people. Few of the others thought he was gay. I found out otherwise that day. 

"Hi, Savanna!" he greeted, walking up to our table, flashing his oh so pretty smile. "Hi ladies!" he said, looking at the other girls. I smiled and said hello. I got up to leave because they were going to keep talking and I had work to do back at the office. 

"Bye chicas. I'll see you at the office," I said, grabbing my bag. I turned to Danny, who was still standing there. The girls called out their goodbyes. 

"I'll walk you," he offered. I smiled. He offered his arm and I took it, shyly. 

"Thank you," I replied as he escorted me out of the restaurant. We took a left once we exited and enjoyed the nice cool, slightly humid, weather. It was the nicest we've gotten this year. It's Houston. What did ya expect in the beginning of fall? Danny opened the door for me and waved me inside with his beautiful smile before joined me in the AC and accompanied me to the elevator, where we waited for it to come. 

"So, Savanna?" he asked, as we stepped in. I looked at him and gave him a small smile. 


"Would you by any chance want to go out with me this Friday?" he asked, shyly. My jaw dropped as I stared at him. Did not see this----ok, well I kinda did see this coming. It was kind of obvious. But it was cute. :) 

"Um," I paused. Did he know I was pregnant? "Um, Danny, do you know that-" 

"You're pregnant?" he asked. I nodded, a bit dumbfounded that he knew and he was still asking me out.  "Yes, I know. And I know that it's risky getting involved with a pregnant woman and the responsibility that'll come with it if you want me to step up. But I don't care. You're one of the nicest people here. You listen to others and you try to help them. I can see you're still a bit hurt from what happened, but I want to help you be better. You need a good guy to help you. And Sav, I'm a good guy. I won't leave unless you say no, and even then I'll help you if you need me." 

I was lost for words when he spoke. I felt like my mind was just blown up and decorating the walls of the elevator. My jaw dropped open and I didn't know what to say. I just didn't know how to respond. My stomach fluttered right now and I didn't know if it was me or the baby. I read somewhere that sometimes they move early and it feels like your stomach is fluttering or butterflies. I shut my jaw and parted my lips to say something when he did another unexpected thing. 

He pecked my lips before he got on his knees so he was eye level with my slightly rounded stomach. He looked up at me, his hand inches away from my stomach, to see if it was ok to touch. I gave him a small, dumbfounded nod. 

"Hey little baby, I hope its ok with you, if your mom says yes, if I can date her. I really do care about her and I want to make her and you happy if you'd like," he said, then he kissed my baby. I think I just died from cuteness! :3 He got back on his feet and gave me a small smile. 

"So, Sav," he said, "What do you say?" 

Our first date was to the movies. We saw a cheesy, rom com before we stopped for ice cream. He paid for both the movie and the ice cream, though I objected to both. He just gave me a smile and said he got this. I chuckled at his jokes and after ice cream we walked to my apartment. I stopped him at the door of the building to say goodbye, but he insisted on walking me upstairs to my apartment door. I sighed but let him because he wanted to. When we got to my door, I gave him a heads up. 

"Ok, when we get there, just be warned. My roommate is really protective of me," I said. He chuckled. 

"I think I can handle it," he said. 

"You think so now," I muttered. He just took my hand and led me up the stairs. I guided him to my door and knocked, since I left my keys here. I knew Sam was home. There was no way she wouldn't be. The door opened immediately. Sam stood there, hands on her hips, a frown in place and a glare. 

"And who are you? And why do you think you're worthy of being with her?" she snapped at him. Danny raised his hands in surrender, a small smile on my face. 

"You weren't kidding," he muttered to me. I giggled and shook my head no. "I'm Daniel, please feel free to call me Danny. I really like Savanna and I want to be there for her." 

Sam looked him up and down. Her interrogation look appeared and I mentally dug myself a hole for me to hide in. "Been arrested?" 

"Once in college. Went streaking." He winked at me and I scoffed at him. 


"Marijuana once." 

"Drinking habits?" 

"Only after work on Saturdays and never more than three beers, most of the time." 

"Cheated?" My head snapped towards Sam, but she ignored me. 

"Nope. Been cheated on." 

"If you left her, why would you?" 

He looked at me and sighed. "Because I had no other choice," he said softly, his brown eyes capturing mine. My heart melted a little at his answer. 

Sam sighed and looked at me. "He's clean to date." She turned back to him. "I swear if she so much as comes home in a bad mood because of you, Imma have your head." He gulped and nodded before Sam went back inside. He looked at me and smiled. 

"Worth it," he said. I giggled and leaned up to peck his lips. 

"That was just the first round," I joked. His face was priceless. 

AN: YAY for a long ish update! I will now update once a week. Either Thursdays or Fridays. :) Schools just ugh and I'll try to be consistent with updates. Ik it's been sporadic and timely between updates.....But that's the past. Please listen to the song. It really helps with the first 2 paragraphs, buuuuuuutttt now: any thoughts? What do you think of Danny? Sam's new interrogation? Any PREDICTIONS? I love hearing from you! See you next week lovelies! 

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