Chapter 15 - Banishing Mama

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Y/N = Your Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V 

You grab Dewdrop, he was wearing a white and blue coat. Dewdrop was very dizzy " Where am I?." You said " Hi I'm Y/N! Can you help us? Mama took my parents." Dewdrop shook his head " Who got what?!." Butternut said " There's no time to explain. We need to stop Mama before it's too late." Dewdrop smile " Let's save Christmas!." Everyone ran downstairs, you notice a pentagram. Tattletail was placing the last candle on the ground. He yells " Come one! We don't have much time." Everyone sat around the pentagram, You said " This is crazy! We don't have time to summon a demon." Tattletail lights everyone's candle " There is no other way Y/N. This is the only way to save your parents." All of the Tattletails were repeating " No more mama!." Suddenly, the whole basement was shaking like an earthquake was passing through. The candles were turned off, Dewdrop whimper " Mama's here! She's gonna kill us." Tattletail searches his pocket "I'm all out of matches." Butternut said " Y/N you have to find a lighter." You ran upstairs and saw Mama. She was right besides the lighter, you ran towards her and she was screaming. Mama tries to pin you down but, you kick her in the stomach. You quickly grab the lighter and ran back to the basement. Mama follows you, Lucky the Tattletails made a trap for Mama. She trips on a rope and falls down the stairs, Tattletail yells " She's unconscious! Quick let's hurry up." Dewdrop reruns the tape backwards, it was playing the song in a creepy demonic  voice. Then, you saw the tape floating in the air. You grab the tape and break it into pieces, Mama complete exploded and the lights came back. 

Tattletail: A Christmas nightmareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang