Chapter 1 - Meeting Tattletail

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* 3rd person's P.O.V 

It was December 20, 1998, You woke up in the middle of the night. Your parents told you not to open your Christmas presents early but, you were very curious. You got out of bed and went to the Christmas tree. The tree was brighten by the Christmas lights, you saw no presents underneath. You thought ' If there not here then, they must be in the basement.' You went downstairs into the dark basement, you didn't like the dark. You search the area and you found tons of wrapped presents. You pick a random box and open the top, your smile was turn upside down at the toy. It was a small, purple tattletail with a big grin on his face. You sigh " I can't believe mom would buy this." You place the toy on the table  "Tattletails are for babies." You were about to leave but, Tattletail said " Me tattletail! Me love you!." You turn around " Did...did you just talk?." You notice a card inside his box, you pick up the box and read it. You didn't know who wrote that or why it was written?. Tattletail laughs " Me hungry! Please fed tattletail." You sigh " If you fed you would please shut up?." Tattletail didn't answer, you pick him up and took him to the kitchen. You gave him a banana and he ate the whole fruit. You went downstairs and wrapped tattletail up. You yawn " I better get some shut eye." You were walking past the kitchen when the phone starts ringing. You wanted to know who was calling at this time. You pick up the phone and said " Hello?." A loud grinding noise was filling your ears, you didn't like the noise and quickly hang up. You nervously chuckled " Wrong number." You went to your bed and fell asleep. 

Tattletail: A Christmas nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now