Chapter 6 - Mama hates you

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V 

It was nighttime, you kept hearing noises downstairs. You woke up, you notice Tattletail wasn't next to you. You got up and grab your flashlight, You got out of your room and went downstairs. The noise was getting louder and louder, you cover your ears to avoid the sound. You saw a trail of colorful eggs like something you would see in Easter. You went over to them and pick them up, you pick up the last one to see a scary robot. She look just like Tattletail, you thought ' Who is she?!.' You saw a disc next to her and load it in. She wakes up to see you, She blinks a few times at you. She smiles " Greeting I'm Mama! What is your name?." You answer " Umm...I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you Mama." Mama looks around " Have you seen my son?. His name is Tattletail." You shook your head then, She tells you a story....

You shiver as the story ended, you didn't like the story at all. You heard footsteps upstairs, you ran up to see Tattletail making a mess. You whisper yell " Tattletail! What are you doing?. You're mother is looking for you." He lift his eyebrows " Mama?! I don't want to see her." You grab him by hand and pull him away, he tries to escape " Please Y/N! You don't understand. She wants to kill me." You reply " You're just being a big baby. Now come on....she looks harmless to me." You reach to the same place you found Mama, you notice she was missing " But....she was right here?!." Tattletail holds close to you " Where's Mama?!." You heard grinding noises upstairs,  you and Tattletail slowly walk up to see Mama standing in the kitchen. You tip toe past her and your flashlight turns off. You turn to fix it but, her red eyes were searching for you. You ran back to your room and Tattletail quickly close the door. You both pant, you and Tattletail went back to cuddling in bed.

Tattletail: A Christmas nightmareМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя