Chapter 10 - Presents for all

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Y/N = Your Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V 

It was morning, you woke up around 7am and got your jacket. Tattletail was still snoozing in bed, you slowly walk out of the door. You ran out of the house without anyone noticing you. You cross the hazardous road and went inside the Christmas store. You had some cash on you and you wanted to buy something for your parents and Tattletail. You were searching down the toy aisles and saw tons of Tattletails. Some were colorful with Purple, Yellow or Blue. You noticed  there was no Mama Tattletails. Which is a good thing because your Mama Tattletail wants to kill you.

* Meanwhile 

Back home, Tattletail has awoken without you besides him. He widen his eyes " Y/N? Where did you go?." He looks around the house for you. Tattletail saw the front door open, he looks outside to see little footprints in the snow. He follows the trail " Wait for me Y/N! I will find you." The trail stops by the time Tattletail arrives to the store. He walks inside to see a bunch of strangers buying expensive presents. Tattletail finds a toy aisle, he looks down the aisle to see lots of Tattletails and Mama. The Mama tattletails scared him but, he didn't like seeing another Tattletails. Tattletail stares at his little hands " I'm a toy?." He felt water dripping down his eyes, Tattletail didn't want to believe this truth. He knew he was a boy but, not a robot made for kids. You heard his crying from another aisle, You ran up to him and ask " Tattletail? What are you doing here?." He looks up to see you " Y/N! There you are." He saw you holding a bag with some Christmas presents inside. You explain " Sorry about leaving you, I was just buying some presents for everyone." While you two were walking back home, Tattletail ask " Y/N am I just a toy to you?." You answer " Well....technically yes but, you're more than that." You hold his hand " You are best friend." You kiss his cheek " And that's why your my favorite boy." Tattletail blushes " Thanks! I love you too."

Tattletail: A Christmas nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now