Chapter 24

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A.N at the end, please skim through it if you have the time, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Sumire's POV

We cuddled the whole day and finally, it was time to go home. We packed our things and made sure to double-check that we haven't left anything behind. We walked out and checked out of the hotel and headed for the train station. The trip back was pretty boring so me and Sei-nii played a round or two of Shogi before we reached. I was proud to say that I won because of my mood today.

I was feeling way better than before and I was just generally happy that we're finally going home and that as soon as we go home, we can enjoy the weekend. We got into a car after arriving and headed home.

Before we headed to our shared room, someone came up and passed me a letter. I nodded as thanks and walked up the stairs after Sei-nii. I took a seat on the bed while Sei-nii went on his phone to tell coach about our trip. I ripped open the envelope and took the letter out.

"Dear Kanade Sumire,

You are hereby officially invited to the 20XX Under 18 girls Kyuudou competition. We believe this will be a better challenge for you than the under 16 competition. Because of you victory as top of last year, you have been given special permission to attend all the matches, including the group tournaments by yourself if you wish to. However, You will have to shoot the amount of arrows as every other group. Whether or not you decide to do so is completely up to you. We are looking forward to your answer. Please contact us as soon as possible as the tournament is starting on Monday 7th April 20XX at 10am."

- Japan high school Kyuudou association

(A.N - For those who didn't know, Kyuudou is basically Japanese archery, though it is quite different but it's basically the same concept. It is often known as a type of Martial Arts.)

I scanned through the letter and decided that I would also participate in the group tournaments. It was only then that I realised that the tournament was starting on the coming Monday, which was like two days later. I flipped the envelope around and saw that the letter had arrived on the day we left. I deeply sigh and got out my phone to write a reply to them.

"I will participate in the competition, including the group tournaments."

Kanade Sumire

I typed quickly and kept it short. Sei-nii walked back over from being on the balcony and sat on the bed next to me. I handed him the letter while hitting the send button. I looked at Sei-nii to see his eyes dart across the paper.

"Your participating, Yes?" He asked softly and I just hummed and nodded. He gave me a smile and a pat on the head.

"You'll definitely win, no doubt. Even if they're like 3 years older than you." I nodded and gave him a hug. I'll definitely win this and make Sei-nii proud.

As if he could read my thoughts, he gave me a small smile and a pat on the head. After a while, I walked over to get the files and things for Sei-nii since I knew he had to call coach to give him a basic summary of what we had gathered on the trip.

He took the thick stack of papers and leaned on the headboard of the bed while pulling out his phone. I shifted into my cat form and curled up on his lap while he stroked my fur and talked to coach.

Feeling comfortable, I quickly fell asleep. When I opened my eyes once again, I look up to see Sei-nii holding a book while slowly combing through my fur. I rolled over onto my back and gave a small mewl.

"Your awake"

I licked his thumb and climbed onto his head. He chuckled and I messed around with his fluffy red hair. He brought me down and I shifted back into my human form and hugged him tightly. After a minute or two, I got off him and decided to take a shower.

I showered as quickly as I could and Sei-nii helped me dry my hair. Midorima had invited us out for dinner so we had to head out soon.

I threw on a simple black t-shirt and one of Sei-nii's jackets with long black leggings underneath. It was quite cold outside as the sun had set, so as we walked out, Sei-nii zipped up the zipper all the way to the top. It was basically covering half of my face. I also put a hat on just because I don't really feel like being stared at today.

The ride to the restaurant was peaceful and when we arrived, everyone in that area turned to look at us.

Third person POV

The once busy and loud crowd of sophisticated rich people stopped and turned their heads towards an approaching car. It wasn't just any car. It was a car with the Akashi House exclusive plate number on it.

Everyone focused their eyes on the car door, which was being opened by the driver in a well trained manner. The first thing that could be seen was slick, polished jet black leather shoes. Looking up from there, was a pair of black pants paired with a simple white shirt. A plain and modest outfit turns fashionable as your eyes turn up to look at the flawless face of Akashi Seijuro.

But it seems like he isn't alone, as he gracefully steps out of the car and strides towards the other side while slightly straightening out the non-existent creases in his shirt. 

Everyone was curious as to who had such high social standings and such a big entrance as for the Akashi family's only son to be so respectful and gentlemanly towards.

Akashi opened the door and held out one hand as the other went towards cushioning the top of the car frame incase whoever inside were to accidentally bump their head on it. Straining their eyes to see, a small, almost pale hand that was half covered by the sleeve of what seemed to be a jacket placed itself on top of Akashi's hand. The hand of the unknown person, which most people at this point had basically assumed to be a girl, looked extremely small and fragile compared to Akashi's bigger hand.

Most people's eyes bore emotions of curiosity, while a few burned with jealousy. Oh how they wished to be in 'her' position...


I haven't updated this story in sooooo long...... I've been super busy with everything and had basically forgotten about this. You guys may be able to tell, but I had the first half of this chapter saved from a long time ago and I just added some more on. I am thinking about continuing this story whenever I have time.... but that's only if people are actually enjoying the story!! So if you would like me to continue, please leave a comment and maybe also some ideas as to where you would like the plot of the story to go to next! I really appreciate all of those who has commented and voted for this story, and I never would have expected for so many people to even take the time to read my story! I didn't really have a plan to begin with so if there are things that don't make sense, you are more then welcome to tell me and I will be happy to make more improvements! Thank you for your continued support!

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