Chapter 6

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Third person POV

After that incident, Akashi kicked Haizaki out of the team and he got suspended for a week. They continued on with practice that day though everyone noticed how different Sumire was acting.

For half of the time, Akashi stayed on the bench and Sumire clung onto his shirt not wanting to let go. Before, she was trembling but after Akashi gave her his jacket to wear, she felt a bit more stable.

This didn't go unnoticed by Akashi. When they got home, Sumire immediately ran up to his room and curled up under the blanket. Her ears and tail was out.

Akashi sighed and walked over to her. He slowly uncovered her a little and stroke her in between her ears.

"Tell me what's wrong? You've been acting like this since Haizaki showed up."

Sumire slowly climbed over to Akashi and lay on top of him. She hugged his waist and buried her face in his chest. He felt her slightly tremble and hugged her back while rubbing her back.


Sumire POV

I woke up in a unknown place. Everything was dark and pitch black. I tried to move my hands but I couldn't. They were tied, and so was my feet. I suddenly heard the creek of a door and light streamed into the room.

"So this is the daughter of those assholes? She looks decent... I wonder if we can sell her to obtain the money they owe us..."

I immediately knew what they were on about. My parents must have gambled and lost to people and didn't have enough to pay. In my head, I was extremely pissed at them.

"Maybe we could play with her a little before we sell her no?"

Another few people came into the room and they slowly approached me. I was really scared at what they would do to me and I was on the verge of tears.

The first one came up to me and ripped all of my cloths off and started touching me. It felt disgusting. I couldn't scream because my mouth was taped.

They did unthinkable things and violated me for the next few hours and I couldn't do anything. I was powerless. Part of me was glad they didn't go all the way but the other part wished that they would just kill me.

But what they didn't know was that hey had left the door open and a woman who passed just happened to see it. She called the police and they got arrested.

I felt incredibly filthy after that and I went to the mountains and almost drowned myself in the river if not for a passing camper that saved me.

It was sometime after that, that I ran away from my parents and started my life on the mountains.

<end of flashback>

Third person POV

After finishing her story, tears were seeping out of her eyes and no matter how she wiped them, they just kept flowing. just by the thought of it made her feel uncomfortable and dirty.

Akashi was Furious. How could they do something like that to such a young girl?! He hugged her tighter and felt her tears soak through his uniform.

"...sorry. You must think I'm disgusting. I even made your uniform dirty..."

"There's no way I'd think that. It's fine... even so, I think your beautiful."

Akashi said and kissed her forehead. Sumire cried even more at that.

"Believe me, Kanade Sumire. I, Akashi Seijuro will never ever let you go through that ever again. I will protect you for eternity."


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