Chapter 25

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Sumire's POV

I stuck to Sei-nii's side as we walked into the restaurant. A waitress came up to us and asked if we had any previous reservations. She was looking at Sei-nii like she's never seen a man before. Well I do think he is the most handsome man in the world.... but that doesn't mean she can be this disrespectful toward him.

After telling her that we were here to see Midorima, she lead us towards a private seating area. Along the way, she kept trying to squeeze closer to Sei-nii so I squeezed his hand and pulled him closer towards me. I heard him chuckle at my antics and he suddenly stoped walking. I looked up at him, confused, as he leaned down and lifted me up so that I was sitting on one of his arms.

Our faces were almost level as he pecked me on the cheek and slightly glared at the waitress. Walking through the corridors, the waitress was now positioned behind us and I could see how she glared at me with jealousy seeping out of her eyes. Feeling uncomfortable by her disturbing state, I buried my head into the space between Sei-nii's neck and shoulder. Sensing my discomfort, he tilted his head to kiss my temple and smoothed down my back with his other hand.

After another minute of walking, we reached a marble door with golden embroidery. The waitress knocked and pushed the door open to revel a medium sized room with a round table in the middle. Shin-nii had stood up at the sound of the knock and walked forward to greet us.

Even though the generation of miracles had broken up and gone to different high schools, Shin-nii still kept in contact with us and invited us out for dinner one in a while.

He greeted Sei-nii and Sei-nii nodded back while he set me gently back down onto the floor. I walked up to Shin-nii and grabbed the hem of his shirt. He looked down with warmth in his eyes as he gave me a soft pet on the head. Leaning into his hand, I suddenly feel a pair of eyes on the back of my head. The intense stare was enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

Third person POV

Noticing Sumire's uncomfortable, Akashi took a step to the side, blocking the stranger's view of her. Midorima had also brought her closer to himself, upon feeling her hands tighten around the soft fabric of his shirt.

The one who had just barged in had been Takao, one of Midorima's new teammates. He had heard from secretly listening to Midorima's phone conversation, that he would be having dinner today with someone. With the image of Midorima having a secret girlfriend, he decided to follow along.

Of course, he was exposed when Midorima had gotten to the restaurant. Feeling his head ache, Midorima had no choice but to let him join his dinner plans.

To Takao, even though he had not known Midorima for a long time, he could tell that Midorima was a tsundere. And that his personality was far from being kind and gentle, yet with what he was expressing now, Takao was starting to question himself.

And not to mention, the death glare that he was receiving from Midorima and Akashi was enough to put him on edge. Throwing a meek smile at the two, he ran over to Midorima and stood beside him.

"So uh... Shin-chan who are these lovely human beings?" Takao said as he slightly nudged his self-proclaimed best friend.

"Akashi Seijuro and Kanade Sumire, my former teammate. And this is Takao, my teammates now." Midorima stated with an annoyed sigh, hoping Akashi wouldn't be too displeased at the fact that someone else had barged in on their dinner meeting.

"I see, I see... your girlfriend?" Takao had whispered the last part into the green-head's ear, hoping to get some sort of reaction from him.

Upon hearing this, Midorima looked at him with a tint of disbelief and the eyes of looking at someone who was stupid. But before Takao could uncover the meaning behind that glance, Akashi threw him a cold look as if he were looking at a dead body.

"Haha...ummm just a joke, no need to take it so seriously!" Takao muttered with a nervous laugh.

Midorima had made it clear that Sumire was like a sister to him and Takao smiled apologetically to everyone there. Akashi sighed and gestured for everyone to take a seat at the table. The table wasn't very large and was just fitting for 7 people but the four decided to sit on one half of the table. Sumire was seated in between Akashi and Midorima while Takao was beside Midorima.

Akashi and Midorima ordered quickly and started chatting about what was going on in their lives during the time they hadn't met. Takao sometimes butted in to comment on certain things. Sumire leaned against Akashi's shoulder, waiting for the food to be served with one hand on Akashi's sleeve and the other tenderly held by Midorima.

As soon as the food arrived, Midorima and Akashi spooned food into Sumire's plate. She ate silently while stuffing small amounts of food into her mouth each time. Twenty minutes later, after finishing a little less than half a bowl of rice and a little bit of each dish, she was full and didn't want to eat anymore.

"Still not eating enough, I see..." Midorima stated with a hit of worry in his voice. Sumire saw this and ate a few more mouth fulls that Akashi had fed her before looking back towards Midorima, as if looking for praise.

"Good job, no need to push yourself. We can work on it bit by bit." Earning a chuckle from him as he ruffled her hair.

As the others finished off their food, it was almost time to part. Sumire tugged on Midorima's jacket that he had now put on. He turned to look at her and smiled, waiting for her to speak.

"Kyuudo competition... come?" She spoke in a gentle whisper but her voice soft and silky. And the tilt of her head as she asked made Midorima's heart melt and burn with desire to protect her from all harms in the world.

He replied with a confirming nod and turned to Akashi to ask for the details on the tournament. After checking with his calendar that he would be able to make it, the four walked out of the restaurant and parted with a final hug between Midorima and Sumire.

On the way home, Sumire had fallen asleep on Akashi's lap facing him with her head on his shoulder and arms loosely around his waist. Akashi covered her with a duvet that was prepared in the car and wrapped his arms around her reading a book and soothing her by patting her back. Only stopping occasionally to turn the page.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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