Chapter 15

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Third person POV

Time passed back quickly as Sumire and Akashi went to school together everyday and then participated in meetings that his father weren't able to go to. Slowly but steadily, Sumire's health improved day by day. Now, she could already walk on her own steadily and also write. She could also play a bit of basketball, but not too much.

She did however participate in trainings. Even if she was still injured, her jogging speed is still faster than some of the team members. They trained everyday and Sumire had started seeing the change in all the GOM members.

Aomine has stopped coming to practice and the atmosphere was always very tense. Sumire could tell that Akashi was not happy with how things were going.

Sumire's POV

Me and Sei-nii headed to training together as always, but today I'm kind of getting a bad feeling for what might happen. We walked into the gym and again, Aomine wasn't here. I sighed softly and Sei-nii turned back to look at me.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"-Akashi

"....I'm fine."-Sumire

He gave a small nod and then we walked further into the gym. He gave instructions to begin our warmups. Suddenly Kuroko came in. Apparently he had been out trying to convince Aomine to come back to practice again.

"Looks like it was no good."-Akashi


"Then, there's nothing we can do. You should give up on Aomine. A plate can never be fully restored once it has a crack. But if it is still usable, then what we have now will suffice."-Akashi

Kuroko looked at Akashi with clear shock on his face. I stood there with a emotionless face. I do agree with Sei-nii and I think what he says is right. I believe in him so I'll do whatever he says.

"Akashi-kun.....? What are you talking about?.... wait no.... who are you?"-Kuroko

I then step up from behind Sei-nii and held his hand. He looked down and smirked a bit. I turned my head up while Kuroko followed Sei-nii's line of Vision to look down at me.

"Of course, he's Akashi Seijuro. My Seijuro-niisan." -Sumire

I said to him while looking into his eyes and staring into his soul. He looked terrified for some reason as I just kept locking eyes with him. Until Murasakibara cut off our staring contest.

"If it's okay to not practice as long as we win the games, I don't wanna practice either. And plus, I only listen to those who are stronger than me, but now I don't think Aka-chin is stronger than me. I feel like I can easily crush him. "-Murasakibara

At hearing that, I got really angry because he was speaking bad about Sei-nii. I lowly hissed at him and clenched the hand that was holding onto Sei-nii's shirt. Balling it up in my fist. Sei-nii only chuckled and leaned down to the same level as me and turned my head towards him.

"Calm down. This isn't something you should waste your anger on. I'll definitely win and then we'll go home together alright? I know you trust me and you know I do too and that's enough for me. Wait for me, I promise it won't be long."

He whispered to me while leaning his forehead against mine. Upon hearing his voice, I calmed down and hugged him before walking to the benches carrying both our bags.

"Okay then. If you can beat me in a one on one, first to five, then I'll let you do whatever you want. If you lose then you'll have to listen to what I say."-Akashi


The match quickly started and immediately Sei-nii used his emperor eye and stole the ball from Murasakibara. He didn't give him any time to think before jumping up and scoring a three pointer. They swapped positions and now Sei-nii was attacking. He quickly tore through the defense by using ankle break and dunked the ball in.

He then told Murasakibara that it was fine for him not to come to practice only if he did well in matches and told the others that the same goes for them. he walked over to me as I stood up and he scooped me up with one hand and carried the bags in the other.

I was kind of sitting on his arm so I wrapped my arms around his neck to prevent myself from falling. He lifted his head slightly and I could see a beautiful golden ring in his heterochromatic eyes. I leaned down slightly, and as if reading my mind, he let his eyes flutter shut and I placed a kiss over his golden eye.

His eyes slowly flutter open and he smiled up at me. I then snuggled into the crook of his neck, taking in his calming and sweet fragrance. Sei-nii then told the rest of the GOM that we would be leaving and that training was canceled for today.

He then made his way out of the gym with me still in his arms. As if on cue, a black limousine stopped in front of us and we got on. I had turned into my cat form and curled up on Sei-nii's lap. I looked up at him once more and saw him smiling down at me. He lifted him hand and gently stroked my head.

I let out a small purr and softly licked his fingers. He chuckled and played with my sharp canines. I lay my head down on his hand and fell into a comfortable slumber. Before losing my consciousness, I heard a soft goodnight and I let out a small mewl before engulfing in the warmth of Sei-nii's hand.

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