Chapter 17

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Sumire's POV

After the introductions, we got into training straight away. Coach made everyone go outside and run 10 laps around the school and in the blink of an eye, everyone had been well on their way. I stuck next to Sei-nii, who was leading the whole group. My stamina wasn't the best but 10 laps was still okay. the farthest I could go would probably be around 15 laps or so.

On our fifth lap, I couldn't stand how slow they were going. This was nothing compared to what we had to do in Teiko. I looked behind me to see some people slowing down even more. I let out a sigh and looked towards Sei-nii. He was looking straight in front of him and, like me, he was barely sweating. I tugged his shirt a bit and he looked down at me. It felt more tiring to try and match someone else's pace.

"...too slow..."-Sumire

"You can go ahead if you want. But I'll stay behind in case something happens."-Akashi

I gave a small nod and started speeding up. I could hear gasps and whispers from the others but I just kept going at the pace that fitted me. I kept running for about three minutes and I was back with the group. I ran up to the front where Sei-nii was and he turned around to look at me. He gave me a small smile and pat me on the head twice.

I felt a pleasant shiver run down my spine and thought about how later I would fall asleep while Sei-nii's warm hand was patting me. I got fired up and decided to finish this annoying run. I was on my seventh lap while the others were on their sixth. I looked at Sei-nii and he seemed to have read my thoughts and whispered 'later'. He gave me a pat on the back and I gave him a smile in return.

After that, I sped off. I finished the rest of the laps in a record time of five minutes and walked off to the bench to sit down while I waited for Sei-nii. I took a water bottle and took a small sip. I also took a towel for when Sei-nii came back. I wanted to daze off like this but without Sei-nii next to me, it feels really weird. So I waited for around fifteen minutes before they were finally back.

Most of them were panting and sweating heavily but the only ones who seemed fine was Sei-nii, A guy with blond hair, A guy with shoulder length black hair and a super tall guy with short hair. Sei-nii spotted me and soon everyone gathered around to take towels and water bottles. Sei-nii sat down next to me and I gave him the towel that he wiped his face with, and then the water bottle that we were sharing.

He didn't really need the towel to be honest, he didn't even break a sweat. After I made sure he was done, I quickly took the things from him and lay down on his lap. His let out a chuckle and slowly stroked from the top of my head down to my back. I let out a small purr and whined for him to do it more. Relaxing after sports is the best.

Sei-nii slowly used his fingers to run through my hair and untangle the knots. My hair was smooth and soft because I never dyed it or curled it before. But it's still pretty hard to not have tangled hair when it's so long. I looked over to see the others still trying to cool down and some went to the bathroom so coach called for a ten minute break.

I almost fell asleep due to Sei-nii's soothing strokes, but the ten minuted flew by in the blink of an eye. Soon, the coach had asked everyone to gather around again. He sent most of the team to go do some shooting and dribbling practice but kept the first stringers.

"We are going to have a 5 v 2 match between our regulars and the new comers."-Coach

"Eh?!" -Guy with blond hair

"No matter how good they are, their against three of the uncrowned kings..."-Guy with long black hair

"It's no problem. I'd like to get started quickly so we can end early. Sumire is getting quite impatient."-Akashi

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