Chapter 8

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CEO of another company's POV

Today I'm off to a meeting to discuss cooperating with the Akashi INC. I heard that the head of Akashi household is away so his son will be leading the meeting today. I've heard strange stories involving that kid and how smart he is. But I mean, there's no way that a kid is smarted that 10 other CEO's from Japan's top selling companies.

I scoffed while thinking about how the kid will fail the meeting. We arrived and my assistant and I got out of the car. We stood upon the main Akashi headquarters. It was said to be the largest and tallest building in the whole of Japan.

I put on my professional smile as I walk towards the front desk.

"Excuse me?"


"I'm here for a meeting about our Company's cooperation plans"

"Oh yes. Please wait for a moment."

I nodded and made my way to the sofa chairs not far from the desks. Around two minutes later,  a young girl who looked to be around 12 walked over to where I was sitting. She was wearing what seemed to be a set of uniform with a blazer. I concluded that she was just one of the workers daughter or something and just ignored her.

"Your Takahashi Gou"

I turned around to see that young girl and my eyes widened slightly seeing as she was addressing me. I regained my composure and spoke.

"So what if I am? And who do you think you are talking to me like that. Do you know who I am?! You little imbecile you better get out of here before I complain to the boss here!"

"I'm here to pick you up for the meeting."

That definitely surprised me. She was completely unfazed at my words and looked emotionless. What is wrong with this girl?

I thought she was some nobody that just so happened to be idling around waiting for her parents. Still slightly suspicious, I looked at her with a questioning eye. Making sure to harden my glare.

"My apologies, my name is Kanade Sumire. I was sent here by Akashi seijuro."

"who the hell is that?!"

"The son of Akashi Masaomi, and the person who will be leading your meeting as of today."

I looked at her skeptically as I stood up.

"Well then, this way please."

I followed her up elevators and through corridors. The walk was taking quite some time before we reached a set of wooden doors with carvings of patterns on them. I assumed that this was the meeting room because she pushed the doors opened and let us walk through it.

I looked around to see everyone in their places and it seems that I have arrived just in time. As I take my seat, the girl closes the door and takes her place standing behind a red haired boy who I'm sure is Akashi Seijuro.

She leaned forward and whispered something in Akashi's ear before he smirked and nodded. I was getting pissed at their attitude. From what I've heard, the boy is only in middle school and he doesn't have the rights to look down on adults. And the girl... who would let a child in such a important place?! Are they out of their minds?

The meeting went on and he's barely said anything concerning our alliance. The whole time he's been listening and talking about the other companies and their plans and not paying attention to me. Every time I try to say something, he just cuts in and asked others questions.

Misfortunes to Fortunes (Akashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now