Chapter 9

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Third person POV

It was just another normal morning and Akashi and Sumire was chatting about the new assignment the teacher gave them a day prior.  They stopped when the car came to a halt and the door was opened by the chauffeur. Akashi stepped out first and held out a hand for Sumire. She took it without hesitating and both of them made their way to their classroom hand in hand. While they were turning a corner, someone accidentally bumped into Sumire. That someone was Aomine.

"Ah!" -Aomine

"Aomine-San, good morning" -Sumire

"Good morning" -Akashi

"Yo!" -Aomine

Aomine felt shivers run down his spine as he stiffly turned his head toward Akashi. He was glaring at the taller male for bumping into Sumire.

Aomine was fast to react and muttered a small Sorry. Sumire just simply nodded. Akashi sighed but forgave him since Sumire was ok.

One thing they had noticed about the pink and dark blue head of the basketball team was that where you found one of them, the other would be there as well. This was also true with Akashi and Sumire most of the time.

But somehow today Momoi was nowhere to be found or seen.

"Ano.... where's momoi-San?" -Sumire

"Oh sh-" -Aomine

"Dai-Chan!!!!!!" -Momoi

"Oh..." -Sumire

"How can you just leave the person who woke you up and go ahead?!?!?!?!" -Momoi

"That's right... now that I think about it, this is the first time Aomine-San has been early to school no?" -Sumire

"Well that's because th-" -Momoi

"There's a practice match later!!" -Aomine

Momoi then smacked the back of Aomine's head for cutting her off mid-sentence.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Hmp! That's what you get AHOMINE" -Momoi

"Ah! Now that you mention it....I think the match is against ooshita middle school right?" -Sumire

"Yeah. We better hurry up and go to practice because this will be the first time the first years will be playing together." -Akashi

The three nodded and headed for the gym together. They arrived to find a empty gym with no one else there. Well, it was only logical because it was so early in the morning. They (except for Momoi) went to change to their basketball uniforms as soon as they put their stuff down in their lockers.

Akashi turned on the lights as Sumire went to set up the basketball hoops. Aomine wipes the floor and Momoi got the basket balls out.

After everything was done and ready to go, they still had some time before people start coming in. Aomine suddenly remembers the one-on-one thing he challenged Sumire to last time. Being the person he is, he smirks and walks over to Sumire who is talking to Akashi.

"Hey, Kanade!"-Aomine

His voice echoed through the gym and both Sumire and Akashi turned their heads. Sumire staring at him with an emotionless face while Akashi raised a brow in interest.

"I challenge you to a one-on-one with me!!"-Aomine

Sumire tilted her head a bit and turns to look up at Akashi. Sensing her gaze on him, Akashi looks down on her with a gentle look in his eyes. They started at each other for a moment, almost like they were communicating through their eyes. After what seemed like forever to Aomine, Akashi nodded his head and takes a drink from his water bottle.

"...I'll do it"-Sumire


Aomine then ran off to go do some warm-ups and some stretching. Akashi and Sumire made their way to the bench. Sumire took off her jersey and Akashi offered to take it off her. She obediently placed it in his hands and Akashi ran his hand through Sumire's untied long hair.

Sumire shivered a bit and purred, her cat instincts showings. Akashi smiled and hung her jersey on his arm before he fished out a few hair clips from his pocket. He clipped her bangs to the side so it wouldn't get in the way. Akashi rested his hand on the side of her head, playing with a strand of her long hair.

"I don't think it's necessary for you to tie your hair against Aomine"-Akashi

"...if sei-nii says so..."-Sumire

"Don't work yourself too hard. Although I don't think Aomine will be that much of a challenge."-Akashi

Sumire just nodded and nuzzled against his hand. Akashi chuckled softly and rubbed her a bit behind the ear, which was really enjoyable for Sumire. He then ruffled her hair slightly and patted her on the head.

"Go do some warm-ups and stretches before your game starts."-Akashi


Sumire gave Akashi a small warm smile before heading off to the court. Akashi couldn't help but smile at the girl as he watched her pick up a ball and did some dribbling and shooting. He knew that emotions were something that Sumire would only show to him and No one else. He was grateful to have her beside him.

The game started with Aomine on defense and Sumire on offense . Aomine remembered the last time they played against each other and made sure to be on his guard.

Sumire ran straight at him and stopped for one millisecond in front of Aomine. She dribbled the ball in a speed and rhythm that Aomine couldn't figure out. It was just to fast for him to see. And when finally he thought he got the rhythm, he tried to slap the ball away when he noticed that the ball was suddenly gone. He looked around but didn't see it anywhere. He turned back to see Sumire in a shooting position in mid-air, so he jumped up and tried to block her. Then again, just as he thought he had touched the ball, her whole figure and the ball disappeared. He looked down to see Sumire run past him and scored a lay up just as he had landed back onto the court.

They then switched over. Aomine tried to drive past Sumire with fakes and confusing moves but none of it worked. Every time it just ended up with Sumire easily slapping the ball away from his possession. The game was then over with 34-0. Aomine didn't even stand a chance.

Sumire calmly walked back to the bench where Akashi was sitting on. She could see the playful smirk he had on his face as he glanced at Aomine.

She sat down next to Akashi and feeling the familiar presence, she slowly lay down on Akashi's lap. Even if she didn't physically move more than Aomine, the concentration level needed to do what she did was high. She closed her eyes with a minor headache.

Akashi placed his hand on her head after covering her with his jacket. He ran his hands through Sumire's hair before slowly massaging her scalp. Sumire let out a little meow before drifting of the dreamland.

Authors note:

Thanks for reading the chapter!! I'll be going to China soon where they don't allow people to update or do anything so I won't be able to post anything... Again thanks for all the support!

Well then, until next time!! Ja ne ~~

Misfortunes to Fortunes (Akashi x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora