“YOU FUCKING PUTO!” I saw Valentina yelling at me with a pissed off face and punched me hard causing me to knocked out. Last thing I heard was they were going to take Ginger to animal hospital and then darkness welcomed me.

I woke in my bedroom. What the hell? When did I get here?! I got up and my jaw hurt like a bitch. Why does it hurt?

We were out of control that’s why. Jason spoke and he sounded upset.

‘I can’t remember very well. What did we do?’ Why do I feel like we did something really bad?

Jason sighed. Well, our angel received a package and there was note, a rose, and ring. It was from the man who wants to take her away from us! I growled at that statement. We read the note and the white rose and the ring was for her. We lost control we hurt her and especially…her cat, Ginger.

‘What do you mean, Jason?’

I took over when Ginger attacked us, I grabbed him by the fur and tossed him across the room causing him to hit the wall with a loud…crack. Oh no, no, no. What have we done?

Ginger was taken to the animal hospital and Valentina knocked us out. No human can do that. Unless, you hit the right spot, but Valentina punched us on the right spot to knock us out.

What are we going to do? She’s never going to forgive us!

Her overprotective brothers are not going to let us go near her.

I sighed. I look at the time and it was already 6:30 p.m... Shit! I was out that long since the morning?!

I heard a knock on my door. “Come in.”

“Sweetie, are you okay?” My mother, Jessica, asked as she came in with my father, William. I ran my hands through my hair knowing where this is going.

“You know what you did, right?” My father said sternly.

“Yeah.” I sighed.

“You almost killed your mate’s cat.”

“I’m sorry. I was just so angry that someone would take her away from me. And she was wearing the ring that the bastard gave her!”

“I know, I understand. But she’s human; she still doesn’t understand the whole mate thing. You’ll have to explain to her about the claim and the mating process.” My dad explained and my dad is right. She’s human.

“You might as well stay away from her for a little while. She doesn’t want to see you right now.” My mom said.


“Well, you went on a rampage and you almost killed her cat. And we talked to her parents. Adeline is totally heartbroken and she doesn’t even want to come out her room.” My mom said.

“What’s so important about that cat?!”  Why does my angel care a lot about Ginger?

“When Adeline was young in a stormy winter, she was going home from her school, she heard a low meow. She followed the sound, until she found a young teen Ginger in the trash cans trying to stay warm. But Ginger was dying from starvation and from severe cold. She tried to take him to the vet, but Ginger had trust issues with humans. She didn’t care if she got scratches all over her, she wanted to save him.” My dad smiled and so did my mom.

“She took him to the vet and they took care of him. She came to visit Ginger everyday regardless what her parents say and took care of him. It took a long time to get Ginger to trust her and they became best friends. She was able to convince her parents to adopt Ginger, since Ginger didn’t like anyone, but her. Where ever she goes in the house, he follows. Anyone who dares to hurt her, he attacks. Her family, Valentina, and she are the only ones he trusted.” My dad chuckled.

“You have to gain his trust, Xavier. But since you injured Ginger it’s going to take a while.” My mom said.

“Oh great. And I need to gain Addy’s trust as well.” I groaned.

It’s going to be a long journey.


I woke up by the sound of my alarm. I feel like poop. I got up and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Holy unicorns! My eyes are red and puffy. I look horrible! I changed into my skinny jeans, a t-shirt and a sweater. I didn’t feel like dressing up tight now. Since my poor Ginger is really injured. I went down stairs to eat breakfast in which is cereal.

I was quiet the whole time and didn’t even talk. My parents and Travis were really worried about me. They know how important Ginger is to me. We went to school with Valentina and went to my class without saying a word. Through the whole classes before lunch I was quiet and getting eager for school to be over so I can see Ginger.

Lunch started and I waited Valentina outside her classroom for some reason this class comes out a little late.

Hola.” I heard Valentina say softly.


“How are you feeling?”

“Depressed.” I sighed deeply.

“Hey, Ginger is a tough gato.” She says as she smiles lightly.

“Thanks, Valentina.” I feel a little better with Valentina’s support.

“Adeline?” I heard an all familiar voice behind me. I turned around and saw Xavier. He looked so broken and his eyes were red and puffy.

“Xavier.” I whispered his name.

“My angel, I-I’m so s-sorry.” He came closer to me.

“No! Stay away from me!” I began to cry and hid behind Valentina. I’m scared of him. What if I get him angry again, will hurt me like the way he hurt Ginger?

“Xavier, I suggest that you should leave. Now.” Valentina said softly, but sternly.

“N-No, please. I need her to b-be with me. I need her beside me. Without her I-I can’t live.” Tears came down his face and I felt guilty, but I couldn’t bring myself to forgive him yet.

“Addy, leave now.” Valentina suggested to me. I nodded my head and I left. I looked back and saw Valentina talking to him trying to calm him down. Xavier fell onto his knees and his hands on his face. I could easily tell that he was crying.


so what do you guys think? i hope you enjoyed the video too. until next time my werewolf lovers!



and love B.A.P! <3

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