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A/n: this chapter it's not edited

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A/n: this chapter it's not edited.


    The rain fell softly as if it knew of the hardships both behind and ahead. Each droplet alighted on my skin with just enough coolness too command my mind to the present, to pull me away from the pain of the past and the uncertainty of what was to come. The beads over my face, more numerous than even the freckles in my skin, joined to wash over me in a delicate cascade of trickles. I raised my eyes to the grey layer that touched every mountain top, there was more to come before the skies cleared, of that i could be sure. Far in the distance the city stood upon the hill in the gathering gloom. Each building jutted into the darkening sky as if it had been drawn on with charcoal.

The silver moon was high in the sky giving off the only light, apart from the lampposts whose rays died inches from the dirty tungsten bulbs.

Though, tonight the moon seemed to play peek-a-boo, weaving in and out of ribbons of black clouds across the sky. Being the single source of hope and light, I couldn't see clearly ahead of me, but I, without doubt recognized the silhouette frontwards.
With all my energy I held in my body and wondering thoughts I wordlessly ran and pulled the man in front of me in my cold embrace not wanting to let it go or wake up from the last hope I ever had. I was honestly certain of the fact that this was my last hope and if it was a dream, God don't wake me up. I was drained, tired. There's a kind of tired that needs a good night's sleep, and another that needs so much more. For me, one became the other, starting out as the "one night kind" until one day it was ever present - like it once was a heavy jacket but became heavy bones. It was then I knew that being tired could be a wearing of the emotions too, that it can come together with a tired body, and become an ingrained part of a life that isn't lived, but survived, endured. I wasn't born for that and neither were you. We didn't come to be on a planet of such beauty and abundance to live like this, so drained, stressed, too thin to cope with life's storms and help others with theirs. When is the time for dancing, for play, laughter and long evenings of happy chatter? Because that is the medicine we all need: fun, friendship, good times. Perhaps most people are too tired to think of how to change these busy lives we lead, but me, I can't think of anything I'd rather spend my last ounces of energy on.

And there, I lost my mind, I left my guard down, not cautious of the million mistakes I was doing in one step, I was locked in the idea of going home, my vigilant self disappearing and evaporating completely just like a cloud of smoke. I couldn't help myself but let all my worries fly away like a bird in winter, trusting my safety to the man, who I was holding to like my dear life depended on it. I missed his warmth? Yes, more then ever.

Behind me, the light of a vehicle was blinding the abandoned alley, brightening everything around us. I was shivering with coldness, my teeth clenchening from the harsh wet splashes falling from the depressed sky who was crying a river,to the wet grubby ground and its reflection.

I let Kai go from my strong held and watched as he gave me a little smile and made his way to the Audi which was parked not even five meters away from us. It was a expensive looking car, its shine was admirable on a rainy day like this. It was a black simple car yet high-priced.
   I made my way to the car through the mad weather, throwing myself on the seat in the back of the car, following Kai to take the passenger seat. The driver was unknown, wearing some big black glasses that was hiding his eyes completely. His other features were unfamiliar, but my head was pumping from the pain that I let the thought slip away,not thinking about it more. I tend to overthink and overreact so much, that my insecurities are very high in every situation I go through daily.

My body was without doubt drained from all the danger I have gone through the past few hours. Not even one day ago I was at the party, in which I was present without my own will.

All the flashbacks from the party has started to appear in my head, creating nothing but a mess, a tornado. I wanted a break, atleast for a day.

My body slowly collapsed onto the car seat and as my gaze settles in front of me, I saw Kai glancing back at me before fastly looking away. I was too cold and tired to even slip a wordfrom my mouth, I was staying there like a statue, drowning in my own helpless thoughts.

But that changed, in a split moment, I found myself closing my eyes and falling into a deep relaxing sleep.


I slowly seemed to come back to life as I felt my body moving through the icy cold of the night. I looked up to my surprise to see an unfamiliar man carrying me,but my vision was too blurry to even recognize anything. All I knew was that my headache was still there, making me groan from all the torturing pain it was creating.

The man kept carrying me until we got inside a large big building,, but once we arrived in, all I could see was maids and bodyguards, believing I was home, but I was completely wrong.

Oh no.

In a split second I was thrown to two bodyguards who immediately catched me, holding me in their harsh grasp without any effort. Their body was toned, full of muscle everywhere which was equal to the fact that I had zero chances to escape.

My body was being forced to walk frontwards, and I gave up to the point where I was walking myself, sick of everything and everyone. It felt like walking two miles until I found myself sitting in front of a big wood door, which was immediately opened. The scent was dangerous to my nostrils, a very intense manly scent attacking my body. Once I had walked in, everyone's gaze was fixed on me and only me. No one seemed to carry any facial expression on their faces just blankness as I walked toward the big table that was placed right in the middle of the spacious room. The room was expensive looking, but that was the last thing I cared about in that moment.
    All I could see was man everywhere, I caught a glimpse of maids but at the table were settled atleast twenty man wearing neatly suits. Some were young, very young, and some were elders.

What was picking my curiosity was seeing Kai talking comfortably at the table with namjoon who had a proud expression on his face.

In one blink of a eye, I was in front of namjoon and Kai who were smirking at me with amusement. I was burning with rage as I watched them both.

"Look who is here." namjoon said, his eyes cold.

I was growling with pure revenge but all I was showing was calmness and kept my mouth shut not wanting to create a war right there.

"Very good, Lucas you're-"

"Lucas?" I suddenly said, confusion in my voice.

Namjoon who was watching me like I was a movie, looked more amused as he raised his hand and clapped once and in a blink of eye, Kai wasn't Kai anymore.

On the floor, fell the mask, the guy who was standing beside namjoon was previously wearing. And everything connected, everything made sense.

Namjoon chuckled "Huh? you weren't expecting that, right?"

As he said that, his body was coming closer and closer and all I wanted to do was step back but I couldn't, I was trapped.

His head titled right before my left ear and whispered giving my body nothing but chills "What a smart yet dumb bitch you are."


A/n: she's fucked up.

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