Thirty One: Asha

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Thirty One: Asha

Tears stroll down my face as memories of Harry pop up in my head.

I read the text over and over hoping that it was just a prank or something:

Hey Asha bbby😘, you're pretty but I'm into taller girls. No offense. Find someone else tht won't dump you through text. Bye forever bby👍👋✌.

"I'm sorry Asha." Amy says.

I sniff. "And Mom's not even here. But I know if she were, she would say 'Now I don' told ya he was cheatin'. My oh my her grammar is so bad."

"Yea but that's just how she talks. And I'll beat up Harry for you!" Amy shouts with a angry face.

I chuckle. "Harry's muscles are almost the size of your head. I wouldn't." I stroke her brown hair.

"You're calling me weak, but I'm not the one in bed crying about a jerk."

My facial expression changes. "Wow Amy, you're right!" I get up out of my bed.

"Harry is a big jerk. He's not sitting around crying about me! He's spending time with whatever tall girl he's with. Well, I hope they both have a nice life together and then when they go on their honeymoon, they can go on a cruise ship. And I hope it hits a big ass iceberg!" I shout.

I gasp, and turn around looking at Amy.

"I never said that."

"Yeah, you never did say that, and you also gave me 20 bucks."

I sigh, reaching into my wallet and grabbing a 20 dollar bill and handing it to her. When she grips it, I don't let it go. But she yanks it away.

"Thank you very much. Now, will you take me to Target so I can spend my cash on some cute bathing suits?"

"No way Amy, I'm-"

"I'm sorry, what was that? You wanted me to call Mom and tell her I heard you cuss?" Amy says, grabbing the phone.

"Chill, chill. Get your butt in the car." I say, grumpily.

She happily starts walking out the door of my room.


Amy turns around and I look through her brown eyes.

"You're the most evil person I've ever met. But I still love you."

Amy smiles and gives me a big hug.

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