Six: Jay

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Six: Jay

I stop kissing Kayley and my head snaps to the door as I hear knocking again.

Kayley let's go of my grip and opens the door.

I watch as an arm pulls her out of the room. And I hear what sounds like brief fighting.

Whoever that was better not be beating up Kayley.

I open the door and see Kayley breathing heavily and a guy on the floor in pain.

Damn, she's fast.

"Who was that?!"

"I don't know, he just came and grabbed me! And I beat his ass."

"I see."

"I like you," she says, then closing her eyes tightly and balling her fists.

"What? You like me?"

She nods slowly.

I try to process her words in my brain.

And then I get an idea.

"Come here," I say. I take the key to our room and close the door.

I walk down the hallway and listen for her footsteps to see if she's following me.

I walk out the door, seeing no one is at the front desk and also seeing that it's 26 after 10 (10:26 PM).

She follows me to a big space behind the camp that leads into trees.

"Look up," I say.

I watch as she looks up, her brown hair falling back and her long eyelashes facing me.

"Count the stars," I say.

"That's impossible," She says.

"Like how it is to explain how much I like you," I say.

Good one Jay.

She smiles. "You have some heart in you."


She laughs.

Then I frown, realizing what danger she's gotten into being with me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothin'." I say.

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