"What do you mean?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I mean, are you okay? Honestly?"

Damien sighed deeply in response. "It's difficult, being here, reliving it all in my head. But at the same time, I think it's good to be here and face it. I don't know that I'll ever be okay, but it's slowly getting a little easier as time passes."

"Do you think you're going to keep this new look?" you laughed, hoping to lighten up the conversation a little.

"Honestly, I kind of just got lazy about it," he chuckled. "Why, do you not like it?"

"No, I do. It's just...different. I'm sure your hair appreciates being left alone for once," you joked.

"Yeah, I suppose it needed a break from product," he smirked. Then his tone changed from amused to more serious. "This new look kind of feels right, though. You know? This whole thing with Mark has changed me. Now that he's gone, and everyone else has left, I'm not the same Damien as I used to be. Might as well embrace it."

"Listen, Damien...I know that loss is difficult to deal with, but you don't have to let it take over. Life goes on. Even if things are different and you might feel different, you're still you. Even if your best friend is gone, you still have a life to live," you reminded him, placing a hand on his knee in an attempt to comfort him. You weren't sure if this was the best move, but it felt right.

"I am different, though. More different than you think," he answered. There was something very eerie about the way he said it, and he looked almost angry.

"Oh. Okay..." you replied, taking your hand off of him.

"Tell me, y/n...do you want the truth? Do you want to see who I really am?" Damien inquired, gazing intensely into your eyes. He was acting strange, and it was beginning to scare you.

"I...I don't know what you mean, Damien. I already know who you are. I've known you for years. You'll get through all of this, it's going to be fine! I can help you," you vowed, desperate not to mess up whatever this was. You had just gotten him back, you didn't want to drive him away. But he stood up suddenly, turning his back on you. His fists were clenched, his head was down. You had no idea what was going on with him, but you knew it couldn't be good. You decided it would be best to just stay in your seat and let him be; wait for his next move.

"I'm not Damien, y/n. Not anymore."

Your ears started to ring lightly, but this happened to you every so often, so you thought nothing of it. You were much more interested in whatever the hell Damien was going to say next.

"You see, something bad happened to Damien and Celine after the murder. They went to this place, this dimension...they became something else. They both became part of me."

The ringing was growing louder, more noticeable. And the things Damien was telling you sounded absolutely insane. Had he already been drinking before you arrived?

"And now, there's this...darkness...inside of me. And anger. And sometimes it's difficult to control, y/n."

The ringing was so loud that it hurt, and you covered both of your ears in an attempt to muffle it. As you did, you noticed that something was happening to Damien. Bright hues of cyan and red appeared to be almost radiating off of him, like they were coming from within him somehow. But how the hell could something like that be happening? And where was the ringing even coming from?!

"Damien, can you hear that? My ears hurt. That ringing is so loud! I think there's something wrong with me," you panicked. You wondered if the colors you were seeing were just a hallucination, maybe somehow associated with the sound. He certainly seemed unfazed by it all.

"I already told you, I'm not Damien. I go by Dark, now. And if you want to want to help me deal with Mark's death and continue being my beloved best friend, you'll just have to get used to the noise."

Damien turned around to face you. The colors that were emitting from him were brighter now, and were shifting. His skin was now a shade of gray, as if he was stuck in an old black and white movie. And even though he wore his hair down in front of his eyes now, you could see a darkness around them, like makeup. There was something beautiful, yet incredibly sinister about him. And the smile on his face felt evil.

"W-what's going on? What's happening to you?!" you thought out loud. The noise didn't get louder, but it didn't fade. The strangely colored auras continued moving around your friend, and his skin stayed gray while the rest of the world was in color. He place his hands behind his back and leaned in towards you slightly before he spoke again.

"It's difficult to explain, really. I'm not exactly human anymore, not after everything I've been through - after everything Damien's been through. But that doesn't mean we can't still be friends. You can still trust me, y/n." His voice was so deep and soothing. You wanted to believe him. But you didn't understand what was going on, and there was obviously something very wrong with him.

"I must admit, I fibbed earlier. I told you that I was just visiting, picking up some things that Mark had left for me. The truth is that after what happened with Damien and Celine, I can't leave this house very easily. Trying to leave the grounds makes me weak, so I've been staying here with Ben. He's thankful to still have work, to still have a master," Dark explained. It was clear that he was right, this wasn't Damien anymore. Not truly.

"You live here now?" you questioned him cautiously. He nodded.

"Yes. And you could live here too, if you'd like. I could tell how much you loved the house during our tour. It could be ours." He moved closer and took your hands in his, pulling you to your feet. His touch made you feel safe, but his eyes made you feel frightened. You didn't know what to think.

"That's very generous of you, Dam - Dark. But I already have a home. I couldn't just leave," you told him.

"Whatever must be done to get you moved out can be arranged. I know I'm different now, but I still know you, y/n. I know you want to be here. I know you want to be with me. And Damien wants it, too." His breath tickled your ear as he spoke into it almost seductively. He was right - you wanted this. You wanted him, no matter how unnatural and dangerous he seemed.

"What'll it be, y/n? Will you stay here with me?" He was practically staring into your soul, his eyes pleading with you to give him what he wanted. Logically, you knew this was a stupid, reckless thing to do. But something about him was so persuasive.

"Yes. I'll stay," you promised.

"Good choice. Although, you didn't really have one, anyways." Dark's charming smile transformed into a villainous glare in a snap as he grabbed your wrist forcefully to drag you back inside your new home.

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