Ghost Hunting

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Ghost Hunting

I absolutely loved anything paranormal. The whole idea of it interested me. I never used to be sure if I believed in ghosts or anything like that, but after countless hours of watching shows and documentaries, I had started to believe that it had to be real. Some things just couldn't be explained. I had wanted to ghost hunt for quite a while because of this unexplainable interest I had, so I finally convinced my friend Mark to go with me.

"So you really don't believe in ghosts at all?" I asked him in the car. He was driving us to a place about an hour away that was famously known to be haunted. It was late and dark - the perfect setting for a ghost hunt.

"No, not really. I've never had any experiences that have given me a reason to believe in that stuff," he answered. It was a good thing that I was his best friend - he would never normally do something like this. I could tell that he thought the whole idea was a bit of a joke, but he knew that I was passionate about it so he went with it.

"You might have an experience or two tonight," I raised my eyebrows at him.

"We'll see," he decided.

When we arrived at the old house, I got chills. Not because of anything paranormal - simply because I was finally there, at a destination that I had seen and heard so much about and had been looking forward to visiting.

"Make sure you grab a flashlight and a camera," I reminded him as we both got out of the car.

"Cameras, really?"

"Yes, really. Just don't break either of them - they were expensive. I know you're judging me, by the way. I get that you don't really believe in any of this, but at least have fun with it. Just pretend you're on one of those ghost hunting shows," I told him.

"Alright, fine. Wait, what's this thing?" he rummaged through the bag I had thrown in the back seat and pulled out a device.

"That's an EMF detector. The letters stand for electromagnetic field. If the numbers start changing drastically, that usually means something weird is going on," I explained.

"You're really serious about this ghost hunting stuff, aren't you?" Mark realized.

"Yeah, I am. Strap that camera to your chest, will you? It'll be easier than carrying it, plus you won't accidentally drop it or anything like that. You can hold the EMF meter as well. I'm going to carry my camera and flashlight."

"Why do I have to have the EMF thing? You're the one who knows how it's supposed to be used," he complained, looking at it like it was from another planet.

"Because we're going to stay together so I can help you with it. This isn't a horror movie, we're not going to split up like a couple of idiots," I told him. We got all of our equipment ready and headed towards the building.

Once inside, Mark was obviously not really into the ghost hunt. He kept making jokes and talking even though I was trying to listen for sounds. It seemed like he was trying to keep the atmosphere light and fun, and maybe he was trying to make me feel less nervous or scared, too. It did annoy me a little after a while, though.

"Can you just stop for a second? I actually want to notice if something happens," I scolded him.

"Yeah, okay. Sorry." For a few minutes, we were both silent, making our way through the dark, abandoned house, waiting for something to happen. Everything was calm and quiet until Mark finally spoke up.

"Hey, the EMF thing is going crazy," he said, holding it out for me to see. Sure enough, it was fluctuating a lot - way more than what was normal.

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