The Other Bin Of Scrooge Mcduck

Start from the beginning

 Lena said "cool,quick whats the other bin"? i jolted up with a gasp as webby gasps also. Lena looks at both of us and says "good,you've heard of it. lets go"!

 she grabbed both of mine and webby's arms. i yawned and said "no thanks,i'm sleeping". webby said "oh,no,no,no. the money bin is where the money goes. the other bin is for the other,bad things". 

she clapped her hands and the lights went off. i whimpered and laid back down as a slide show came on. webby said "where scrooge puts all his most dangerous finds and artifacts to keep them from prying hands. why would you want to go there"? 

Lena explains "i just heard scrooge say he put his number one dime in there". i heard webby gasp and say "he almost never takes off the dime"! Lena says "then we better go check it out before he takes it back". 

webby says "uh,i don't know". i just fall back asleep as they talk. i wake up to feel someone shaking me and saying my name. i look and see its Lena and webby saying my name in sync over and over. 

i think they were just trying to annoy me. they said "y/n,y/n,y/n,y/n,y/n,y/n wake up"! i groan and say annoyed "what"?

 webby says "we're going to the other bin to check out uncle scrooge's dime". i shake my head and say "i'm just going to sleep,have fun though". Lena says "we're not taking no as an answer".

 they both grab my arms and drag me out of bed and out of the room. i groan and say "goodbye,comfortable bed. i'll see you in a like 17 hours".

 i felt so sad because now,i'm far away from my bed! after i got ready for the day we headed out. we walked into the garage and i said reading webby's journal "based on duckworth's old cleaning schedule, the entrance to the other bin is somewhere in here". 

webby took back her journal from me saying "i have got to find a new hiding place for this. you some how keep getting to it". i shrugged and Lena knocked down some boxes. 

a box with zombie limbs falls out and Lena gasps then backs away. webby says "don't worry, it's just some assorted zombie limbs". i walk towards it and say "nice seeing you Carlos".

 i fist bump Carlos's hand. Lena just looks at me like i'm crazy and i shrug. Lena says "uhhhh,scrooge sure seems to be good at hunting monsters". i replied "yup,there wasn't on mystical foe he's met that he couldn't defeat,right Carlos"?

 he gives me a thumbs up . Lena adds "that's comforting". i sneak behind webby and steal back her journal without her knowing. i read from it "according to this, to find the bin,we must see through scrooge's eyes and get into his head. oh,i love a good riddle". 

i hand webby back her book and as she takes it she glares at me and i sheepishly smile. webby walks up to scrooge's statue and says "looks like someone already got to scrooge's head".

 i think for a minute then walk towards the statue. i put my head where the head was suppose to be and i look straight ahead. i whisper "huh". Lena asks "what"?

 i reply "if i look straight ahead, i see the painting". Lena say "this must be it,but how do we into his head"? we look carefully at the painting and webby asks "whats he looking at"?

 we all look in his direction and see he's looking at a velvet rope post. i looked at it and said "i wonder"? i mess with is and pull it out of the ground. i smirk as i saw a key at the end.

 i said "huh,i thought scrooge would make it harder to find his bin than this". Lena says "hey,let me see that".

 i hand it to her and she put the key in scrooge's eye and twists then a door opens.  the three of us look at each other before walking in.

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