Chapter 52 - May I ask for her hand?

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"Lunch is at three!", Sara shouted after me. "I booked your favourite table at that pizza place!"

Where on earth did you dig up a second version of you Michael!?



Sara's parents' arrival

I brushed my sweaty hands off my pants for what seemed like the millionth time. "Are you sure I should speak German to them? Is it really alright?"

Was my outfit alright - the jean shorts and white shirt? Was that too chill? Or just right? Or was the white button up too much?

"Yes", Sara answered, bright as the sun, seemingly dancing around the kitchen, humming too.

She had been baking all morning long, dancing with Estelle, Adrien and I, singing to every song that came on the radio. However I wasn't as loose as the past few days.

The past few days we had found a new way to get rid of almost everybody to have some alone time. Any English song we both knew was performed in a terrible, soul-twisting way. The one that could sing it uglier and with the most emotions won – it turned into a screeching and screaming contest that scared everybody away (except for Esi and Adrien who clung to us) and gave us an hour just for us, which was accompanied by silly dances that made us laugh.

There had been instances we couldn't sing ugly though. Imagine by Ariana Grande was a hit with Sara. The eyes she gave me made my heart jump in joy. Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello was a favorite of ours too. I jokingly suggested those two songs for our wedding and Sara spun around faster than I had ever seen her do so. Well, at least we knew what songs we liked. As for the walk down the altar – we loved a lot of songs and didn't choose one yet. It had time, I told myself.

A horn sounded in the distance, cutting off another concern of mine. My heart stopped. My blood froze. I went into shut-down, drawing a blank.

Sara's eyes peered up and lit up. "My parents!", she sing-sang joyfully, jumping up and down.

"Your parents", I repeated weakly, frozen on the spot.

Sara took my arm and dragged me outside with her.

"I should have studied Bosnian more", was the first concern that escaped my lips. The realization started kicking in. I was about to meet my parents-in-law.

My parents-in-law!

"Oh don't be ridiculous!", Sara laughed, intertwining our hands.

"How do I look?", I ran my hands over my shirt. "Good? Ok? Presentable? Terrible?"

"Handsome like always", Sara gave me a peck on my lips.

"Do I smell good? Is my hair alright? Breath good?"

"Calm down Michael – you are perfect."

"How do you expect me to calm down when I'm literally about to meet my future parents-in-law?!", I frantically hissed.

"Easily – because they will love you, I'm sure of it. I love you."

Stones crunching. Sara squeezed my hand tightly. A car appearing slowly but surely into our view and soon stopped in front of the house.

Sara squealed happily.

A tall man with brown hair, a brown-haired woman and a girl with blonde hair stepped out the black BMW. A BMW fan like me huh?

Falling for my boss ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt