"Did you understand any of it?" Dr. Banner asks and I shrug.

"Kind of, I just had a few problems reading it, it looks just like my aunt's writing," I say and Dr. Banner seems surprised.

"You understood it?" Dr. Banner asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I've also read your book," I say and this seems to surprise him even more.

"Really?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, my aunt gave it to me for my twelfth birthday," I say and I think that he's going to have a heart attack.

"Ok people! We need to move onto lunch now or our whole schedule is going out the window," Angela says and I jump in surprise.

I go to the rest of the tour group and we move on leaving a Dr. Bruce Banner in shock. We take the elevator up to a cafeteria and everyone including me stare in awe. There were windows everywhere and judging by the pictures around, the food was amazing.

"You can get whatever you want but only get what you will eat," Angela says and everyone nearly runs to the food line.

It's set up like a school lunch with people behind the food to serve it up. I go through the line and almost get a helping of everything including sushi, spaghetti, and meatballs, steak, and about a dozen more things. Super metabolism and all. I also got a Pepsi at the soda fountain.

"That's a lot of food," A male voice says once I sit down and I jump in surprise and I look behind me to see Clint Barton, otherwise known as Hawkeye.

"H-hi," I stutter and he laughs.

"Hi to you too. What are you doing with all that food?" He asks and I flush.

"I eat a lot," I mumble and Mr. Barton raises an eyebrow.

"It doesn't look like it," He says and I flush even redder and start wringing my hand nervously.

"W-well my metabolism works faster then n-normal," I say stuttering.

"Ah, so that's why," He says and I nod.

"Maybe I'll see you later," Mr. Barton says and walks away.

I look after him stunned for a while and then snap myself out of it and continue eating. I quickly finish the food and take the plate over to the belt where other people were putting their plates. I go back to the table and wait for the rest of my class to finish.

"All right! Lunch is now over. We will be moving to the upper levels of the tower starting with the Avenger's training room where you will be able to learn some self-defense techniques from Captin America, Black Widow, and Bucky Barnes," Angela says and we all gather around her.

"Please follow me," Angela says and then leads us into the elevator and up to the seventy-eighth floor.

We all get out of the elevator and are shocked to see the three Avengers mentioned before sparing with each other. The whole class stops in their tracks and watches while they train. They seem to notice us watching soon and turn to look at us.

Angela leads us into the gym and we all line up behind her.

"Hello, kids. Today I along with Natasha and Bucky will be teaching you some simple self-defense techniques that you can use any time you would need to on anyone. I've learned that just because someone is a woman, doesn't mean that they aren't dangerous," Captain Rogers starts while shooting Ms. Romanova a look.

"Yes, Stevie here is right. You will be split into three groups with each of us taking one. Please divide yourselves," Mr. Barns says and the class splits into three rough groups.

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