Ch. 28 (part 2)

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I yawned as my arms stretched out over my head, my eyes breaking open as I glanced about the campsite. 

The fire was all but extinguished, and my body was majorly sore--pulling all-nighters rounding up magical birds to make a bullet to kill an evil queen will do that to you. I gleamed over at Madison and Bobby. He peaked an eye open slowly before lifting his head and yawning.

I smiled softly as I got to my feet and stretched out before walking over to him. "Morning, Bobby." 

His wounds had all but healed, but the blood stains remained visible. I looked all about the campsite but saw no sign of Miller. What was he up to now?

"Miller?" I shouted. 

I heard a mumbling in the distance.

I traipsed about in search of him. "Miller?" I called out again.

Again I was met with mumbling, only this time louder.

It was like the weirdest game of Marco-polo ever--Marco-Miller?


"I'm right here." 

I tripped over a rock as he came into view. "What are you doing way over here?"

"I needed to go for a walk. It was driving me crazy."

"What was?" I peered over his shoulder.

"This damn riddle." He handed me the notebook.

I read over the words, and the order he tried placing them in. Scribbled out possibilities and crossed out attempts littered the page.

"I just can't get a handle on it."

"Well, everyone's waking up, why don't you come back and we can drive ourselves crazy together, hmm?" I nudged him.

He grinned as I pulled him up to his feet. 

"Come on." I motioned as we headed back towards camp.

Madison sat up, looking somewhat sane, or maybe it was the fact that she was quiet. Bobby was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Bobby, Madison?" 

The moment I asked I got my answer as Bobby emerged from the cold waters and shook every last drop from his fur. 

We shielded our eyes.

Miller groaned. "It's like a dog after a bath." He wiped himself off.

I chuckled. "Yup, that'll wake you up." Water dripped from my hair.

Bobby plopped down near Madison and I as Miller flipped through the notebook, drying it off.

"How are you feeling?" I put an arm around Madison. "I'm fine. Fine..fine..why wouldn't I be fine?" Her hand shook as she tried to steady herself.

I held my hand over her's. "It's okay." I smiled at her. "It's going to be okay."

She took a deep breath. "Thanks." 

"I'm glad you're not crazy anymore, but we're kind of facing a crisis here." Miller broke into the conversation.

I shot him a look.

"What?" He threw his arms up. 

"He didn't mean're not...we don't think you' know..I mean, I'm purple, so..."

Madison hushed me. "Please. Stop. Just...stop. I appreciate the sentiment, but no..just a world of no."

I pursed my lips and nodded my head slowly, stealing glances from Miller. "Alrighty then...Miller?"

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