Ch. 5 - Breaking point

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The glass of the mirror shattered, shards flew to the floor as I toppled over my vanity. The clothing hung neatly in my closet torn from its holding, thrown to the floor. My screams were fierce and loud, as was the ringing in my ears.

I pounded my clenched fists against the walls, the door flung open, and my parents ran to me. I kept hitting the wall, crying out as they grabbed hold of my arms, and I slid to the floor. The ringing in my ears flooded everything else out. A heavy stream of tears ran down my face, and I faded into darkness.

I awoke, sitting myself up in bed. The hair brushed away from my face, I reached for my phone on the nightstand. 6:20. 

The room had been cleaned, somewhat. The vanity back in place, and the broken mirror removed. I could still make out the markings on the wall where I had laid my fists into.

I looked to my hands, fidgeting with them as I went over what brought me to this moment. Back in the hallway with him...

There was a soft knock at my door. 

"Can I come in?" My mom said, as she entered.

"A little late to ask that now." I let out a weak laugh.

She half-smiled as she approached the bed, and sat beside me. " there something we should talk about?" Her eyes looked at me, almost expectantly.

I fidgeted with my hands more, and looked down, not able to meet her gaze. "No. I don't think so." Would she buy that?

"Really?" She looked at me, her head tilted down, an eyebrow lifted up. "You sure about that?"

She didn't buy it. I tugged at my blanket. "Yes, I'm sure. Why would you even think that?"

She paused, her mouth open. "Honey, you trashed your room, screaming at the top of your lungs, crying like someone had died. That's why." She placed her hand over mine.

I tugged tighter. "I just had a bad day. It's nothing to worry about, I'm fine now."

"You're far from fine. First your hair, then this, what's going to happen next?" Her voice was tinged with worry, I could feel it hit hard against me, the guilt seeped in.

"Mom, I promise you it's--"

"Is it about him?" Her tone grew soft.

I snapped my head up, and shot a sharp look at her, my eyes wide. "Him?"

She nodded, her hand rubbed over mine gently. "Your grandfather. I know it's been hard on you since we lost him."

That's what she meant. My papa Cruz had passed last Christmas. We had been so close, I was his little soñadora, because I was always off in some fantasy world. I believed in a lot of things when I was young, when I was still his little soñadora. 

I let go of my blanket. "Yeah, mom, that's it." I forced a small smile. "Can't get anything past you."

She hugged me, and stroked my hair. "I know it's tough. I miss him too. You always keep things so bottled up, like you're afraid to let it out." She laughed softly, and then her voice grew hush. "Please, Adeline, never be afraid to let it out." She pulled away from me, and brushed the hair from my face.

"I promise." I said, as I lied to my mother. 

She rose, and made her way for the door. "There's food in the oven for you, if you get hungry. Your dad's pretty worried about you too, so maybe wait till he's asleep to get your food." She smiled, trying to make me laugh. "Oh, and a boy came by looking for you."

I tensed up. "A boy? Who?"

"I think his name was Miller?"

"Miller?" I eased up. "What did he want?"

"He said it was top secret, or something like that." She laughed, and lowered her head. "You're not..." She motioned her head towards me, raising her eyebrows.

I got the message. "No, god no. Miller is just a friend."

"That's how it starts," she said with a grin.

"Ew." I laughed, it felt nice to smile, even if it was at Miller's expense. "Wait, when was he here?"

"I think maybe ten minutes ago, why?"

I flung the covers off, and jumped out of bed. I scrambled to find my shoes, and slipped them on. "I'm going out for a bit, I won't be too long." I rushed down the hallway.

"You're moving pretty fast there for 'just a friend'." My mom giggled, my dad walked past her.

"Just a friend? Who's just a friend? This isn't about some boy, is it?" Dad's 'dad' instincts kicked in.

I groaned. "I don't have time for this. I'm going. Bye, love you, etcetera." I grabbed a jacket from the front closet.

"Is this some sort of phase?" My dad leaned towards my mom.

"I think so." She leaned back towards him.

I flashed them an unimpressed look and left the house. 

I rushed down the driveway, and out into the street. I wasn't sure which direction he would have gone, so I picked one the best way I knew how. Eeny meeny miny moe. Left it was.

I hurried as fast as my legs would carry me, and pushed down any thoughts I had of the hallway confrontation. I wasn't going to let it get to me anymore than it had.

Leaving my thoughts behind, I saw Miller walking ahead. 

I shouted out to him. "Miller, wait up."

He stopped and turned to me. "Adeline? I thought you weren't feeling well."

"Is that what my mom said? No, I'm alright now. Why'd you come to see me, and what's this top secret thing you wanted to tell me?" I caught my breath.

"I found something that could tell us more about that nameless queen."

"Another comic book?" I teased, my voice playful.

"No, not another comic book," he said dryly. "A book book."

I snickered. "Book book? Masterful wording." I shoved at him.

He pushed his hands into his sweater's pockets. "If you wanna check it out, I have it at my place."

"Sure," I said, as we walked together down the street. "Hey, how'd you know where I live?" I turned to him.

"Oh, I actually live close by. So I've seen you walk home from school."

"Wow. Creepy." I joked, as I watched Miller's face turn red.

Miller stumbled back. "I-I mean, well, I have to walk past your house to g-get to mine, but--" He stammered before I cut him off.

"Relax, I was just teasing you. You're a real bundle of nerves there, huh?" I chuckled.

He pouted, hunched over, and let out a sigh. "Not all the time." He grumbled to himself.

I laughed once more as we moved down the street, the sun began to slowly set. Moments like this almost made everything alright...almost.

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