Ch. 27 - The Deep End

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Waves crashed against the shoreline, knocking Madison and Miller back.

"Adeline," Miller called out.

Water filled my lungs as I struggled to flee, and swim to the surface. Spouts of water erupted on the surface as Bobby and that thing battled. His jaw gnawing on the monster's shoulder as a large snake-like tail whipped and jabbed back at him.

I pulled myself away long enough to nearly reach the top of the water, but moments later I felt something wrap around my leg as I was pulled down deeper. I turned to see the piercing gaze of that thing reeling me in closer.

I shook my head and panicked, trying to get away. Above me I could hear the muffled cries of Madison and Miller.

The water cradled me so gently. The cold ran through my veins, my eyelids grew heavy. Mom, dad, I'm sorry.

Just then my eyes shot open as I was suddenly gliding through the air above the water. As I came to my senses I saw Bobby below me. He growled and snarled as his fangs dug into the monster's tail.

"Bobby." I shouted weakly.

The monster screeched as it swiped at him, desperate to break free.

Bobby's fangs dug in as blood began to spill out.

I fell to the ground and rolled across the shoreline. 


I could hear them running towards me as I tried to sit up. 

Miller rushed to my side and knelt down. "Don't move too much, take it easy."

We stared up at the beasts fighting one another. "Tell that to him."

The creature pawed Bobby away, but he did not lose an inch, his fangs still sunk deep into the beast's tail. In one fell swoop he chomped down and with that the monster wailed furiously. A large chunk of his tail crashed into the water and sent a wave washing over us.

Bobby roared and dropped to the shoreline near us. We rushed over towards where he landed.

"Bobby, are you alright?" I stood up beside him and rushed my hand through his fur. 

He cooed and let out a soft grunt. Heaving heavily from the battle.

"You did it. You saved us." I praised him.

"Yeah, you might wanna rethink what you just said..." Madison pointed towards the sky.

There, hanging high above us, hovering in place, blood dripping from behind it with a massive sea of teeth bared and glaring down at us was the beast. It screeched and howled as it dove right for us.

Bobby readied himself as we stood close by.

It spread out its wings and sliced through the air as it neared us. Barely missing us as it swooped past and chopped down a few trees with its razor-sharp wings.

"Well that's just great," Madison said as we scattered and ran.

Miller and I ducked behind a large rock while Madison kept running for shelter. Bobby Stood his ground and dragged his paw across the dirt. Scratching at it before leaping into the air and tackling the beast to the ground. 

They tumbled and rolled over and over as each struggled to gain the upper hand.

"Bobby, you can do this." I tried to encourage him from a safe distance, but what was I doing, I had the power to help him. I know the consequences of using my powers, but if things didn't turn in our favor soon, we'd all be done for.

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