Ch. 22 (part 2)

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We spent the remainder of the day on a tour of the city. From Al'o way, to Gr'rar alley, we must have seen near all of Fovalla. Evening had well passed, and the feast was being laid out before us all. A great table put out for our arrival, the guest of honors they called us. Most of the Foven seemed untroubled by our intrusion into their lives. Some wore looks of worry, or slight uneasiness, even curiosity, but hatred was worn by none. If they knew what I was, would that change?

"Friends, family, Foven, we are gathered here to welcome our travelers. From faraway lands in search of a way home. Paths crossed with our beloved Ghee, greatchild of Fovall's elder Jhee. If Ghee could show these strange visitors kindness, I believe it is our duty to do the same." Knoa raised a cup high and the whole table exclaimed something in fae, and raised their cups as well.

Madison sat to my left, and Miller to my right. Bobby next to him, making eyes with a Foven girl who kept smiling and giggling at whatever he would say. Somehow it bothered me. 

As we dug into the great feast before us I noticed myself uninterested in anything I dared try. Each new taste was rotten in my mouth. Nothing was as good as Ghee had been. I felt my stomach growl as I took in a whiff of the Foven seated at the table. They all had their own unique, but strong aromas. Each one more delicious than the last.

I felt myself giving in to the hunger once more, when Miller suddenly held my hand under the table.

I looked to him. "What are you doing?" I whispered.

He smiled, and took a bite of food before speaking. "You need to eat. But we can't have them thinking something's off. Eat what's on your plate, and after every bite feed a little off me." 

I smiled. "I can't do that. It's too risky, what if I lose control?"

He took another bite, and swallowed. "I'm holding your hand this time. I'll let go before that happens. I promise." He turned to me and smiled.

I took a breath and nodded. I took a bite of food, and forced it down. Then Miller squeezed my hand, and I felt small surges of life force feed into me. Would this actually work? I took another bite, and then he gripped again. Then another bite, and another grip. Over, and over. I'd eat from my plate, then eat from him, and about thirty seconds after each squeeze, he'd let go completely before grabbing my hand again. Before I knew it my plate was empty, and there had been no urge to devour the Foven around the table, or any sense of losing myself. 

I smiled back at Miller, and mouthed the words, "Thank you."

Madison nudged me. 

"What is it?"

She raised both her eyebrows and grinned, then pointed to our hands under the table.

I blushed. "Oh, shut up." I nudged her back.

She burst out laughing, and I soon followed.

"I'm glad to see we've managed to keep you amused, travelers." The Foven girl next to Bobby stood behind us, smiling.

"What do you want?" Madison snapped.

"Madison, be nice." I turned to face the girl. "I'm Adeline, and you are?"

"Mar'e." She smiled. "I was speaking with your delicious Lazow friend there, and thought you might all like to join me tonight."

Delicious? Join her? Join her where? Was this some kind of cult nonsense? Nope. I'm cursed, split in two, and somehow wanted by two men, I do not need to join a cult to be crazy.

"Where exactly?" I asked.

She grinned, and her eyes seemed sultry. "It's a secret." She winked.

Bobby walked over to her, and she latched onto him. "Boo'bee, I was just inviting your friends to join us." 

I snickered. Booby?

Madison broke into laughter. "Well it does suit you, doesn't it, Booby?"

"Actually, it's Bobby, but you can call me whatever you like." He smirked.

I felt myself overcome with anger. But why? He could do whatever he liked. Just because we shared a moment doesn't mean anything. Does it?

"Mar'e, where are you planning to take our visitors?" Knoa popped up behind us. 

"Father, do not worry, I only wish to show them our beautiful Fovalla at night." She titled her head and smiled.

"Hmm, very well. Watch over them and be safe. All of you." He waved to us as we made our way from the great feast.

I looked at Miller as Madison pulled me from the table. "Let's go."

Mar'e lead us through the darkened street of Fovalla. The lampposts now burned bright. With what seemed like caged fireflies of some kind. The low hum coming from them was almost soothing. We walked down the stone paved streets, and down winding alleyways. Until we stopped outside of a large building.

"Is this it?" I asked.

Mar'e grinned. "Almost."

She motioned for us to follow her down a small passage at the side of the building. We struggled to cram our way through it. Once out the other side we turned around to face where Mar'e had taken us.

"Wow." Madison let out in amazement. "Is that...?"

Mar'e's grin grew wider. "By day this is obvs open for biz in a no-mo way. By night." She extended her hands out to the flashing neon sign hung over the entrance. "It becomes Sinsational." 

"Oh my god, it's a freaking nightclub." Madison squealed.

"Technically a fairy nightclub." Miller chimed in.

"Whatever. This is just what I needed."

Miller shrugged as Mar'e held Bobby by the arm and walked gleefully into the nightclub. Madison followed behind them with a face full of joy. Miller and I moved slow, unsure of what to expect in such a place. And I found myself hit hard by the events that transpired this day. Maybe a night of forgetting was just what I needed as well.

Thank you to everyone for reading to the end of the chapter! If you enjoyed this then please vote and share the story with others! I'd really appreciate it. And feel free to comment as you read or when you've finished a part of the story. Don't be shy! Thank you again, and I hope you come back for more!

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