Ch. 1 - An invitation

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My feet kicked off the dull grey asphalt as I sprinted across the grass.

"No, no, no. Not again." I groaned as I neared the front steps.

The stretched-out shriek of the school bell wailed as I slipped through the doors.

"Made it." I sighed, winded, my heart beating loud inside my chest.

The halls were littered with students rushing past. I pushed through the sea of bodies and made my way to the end of the hall, and rounded the corner. I stood outside my first period English class, and took a deep breath.

The classroom was filled with the teenage faces of the unimpressed. The light from outside barely able to brighten up the dreary, outdated classroom decor. "Hang in there" and "Never give up" posters adorned the walls. Past slumped down heads, and tired eyes I shuffled to my seat, and dropped down. Pulling my notebook from my bag, a piece of paper glided to the floor.

As I reached down, my hand met not paper, but the hand of Bobby Ferrari.

"Is this yours?" Bobby smirked, his perfect smile warmer than the sun.

I couldn't speak. I stared at him, mouth open, as if waiting for the words to find it.

He narrowed his eyes, and smiled. "Are you alright?"

I snapped out of my daze. "Yeah. Yes, yes. I am totally fine." I fumbled through my words, slowly dying inside.

He handed back the paper and went to his seat. I was an idiot. Bobby Ferrari was the most popular guy in school, and I just blew word chunks all over him. My head pressed against the desk and I groaned under my breath.

Ms. Katz breezed into the room, and shut the door behind her. "Quiet, everyone, quiet." She hushed us as she took off her coat. "I hope you all remembered to finish your reading assignment."

The class let out a collective groan as she side-eyed us, and wrote something on the board. When she finished, she stood there with her arms crossed, almost proud.

I peered through my fingers before lifting my head, and squinted at the blackboard: Book review groups. Groups of four.

Below that was the listing of the groups, and I nearly jumped out of the chair upon reading it. Bobby Ferrari. Was there a god? Had they smiled upon me? Should I start going to church more? I didn't care, and probably not. I was in the same group as Bobby, and I would soak up every minute of it.

"Break off into your groups and get to work, you have this class to review the books, and next week your groups will give presentations," Ms. Katz said, as she sat at her desk, and sipped at her coffee.

There he was at the back of the room. I collected myself and made my way over. I squeezed my way into the small circle the others had made. It was then I realized Bobby wasn't the only person in the group, something I should have realized sooner. Sitting across from me in all her bitchy glory was Madison Young. Queen bee and resident big bitch on campus.

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