Ch. 3 (part 2)

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I gasped, sitting up in bed, panicked and confused I fell to the floor.

"Adeline?" My mom shouted.

I glanced about the room. "I'm fine, mom," I said, brushing away the hair from my face.

What had happened last night? My head was killing me. I stood up, and put out my arm to catch my balance, as I held my head. Never. Drinking. Again.

I looked down, examining myself. My hands ran over the blue "my little pony" pajama shirt--wait, pajama shirt? Where was my dress, the beer stain, the rips...the rips? I lost my balance, my breathing heavy as it flooded back to me. What Bobby had done; nearly done.

I sat on the edge of my bed, my mom flung the bedroom door open. Startled, I nearly fell off the bed again.

"Jeez, you're jumpy this morning," she said, before stopping to stare. "Why's your shirt on backwards?"

I grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled out the tag. "Uh, it was late. I was tired."

She hovered in the doorway. "Well, another late night for your dad and I, so just order a pizza for dinner." 

I forced a smile, and nodded. "Sounds good."

She smiled back, and disappeared into the hall, and I stood back up, searching for my phone. 

"Wait," she said, returning. "Did you do something to your hair?"

I paused. "What?"

"Your hair, it looks different...darker, maybe?"

I grabbed the ends of my dirty blonde hair, only to find dark brown hair in its place. "I...yeah. Yes, I did." I let go of my hair, and flashed a nervous smile, my tone raised. "Do you like it?" I chuckled.

"It's...different. I only wish you would have asked first, honey." She walked over to me, and ran her fingers through my hair. "Maybe then I could have helped you pick a better color...I mean different color." She laughed nervously, before looking at her watch. "Shouldn't you get ready for school?"

I grabbed her hand, and checked the time. "Yes," I shouted, as I moved past her and out of my room. 

I walked down the hall, rushing to the bathroom. My dad passed me on the way there.

"Morning, Addy," he said, as he tried to stop and talk. 

"Sorry, dad, gotta get mobile, running late."

"That's okay. Hey, did you do something to your hair?" 

I hurried into the bathroom, and locked the door. My back pressed against it, I took in a deep breath, preparing to see this new look I hadn't agreed to. 

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