Ch. 21 - Over the hill

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Day broke out before long, and we had set out for Ghee's home. We traveled in near-silence along the dirt road, my mind jumping back over thoughts of last night, and of Miller's offering.

"Ah ha, that is the thing, is it not? How indeed?" Ghee made an uproarious display while recanting his tale.

"So, how then?" Bobby asked.

"He was over top of me, his breath heavy against me." Ghee crouched down low as he walked. "First, I scrambled to my feet, and rolled to safety as his claw swiped at me." He moved along as he told his tale. "Next, I grabbed a nearby rock, and hurled it as hard as I could manage." He motioned grabbing a rock and throwing it at Miller. "Then, as it was startled I grabbed it by the tail, and pulled." He grabbed on Miller's pants, and Miller held on for dear life. "As you may have known, Throat-cutters are most immune to tail pulling. It stuns them for some time." He lowered his voice. "And to finish him off, I searched my sack for the certainty of my victory." His hand disappeared into his pocket, and pulled out something. His voice picked up as he raised his hand high. "With a mighty blow to the skull I jammed this down hard as I could bare, and in an instant his head cracked open." He jammed his hand down fast, and smirked as he finished his tale. 

Miller adjusted his pants. "Well, that sounds...painful." 

"Oh worry not, giant one, I was left without scratch or scathe." He patted Miller hard against the back.

Bobby huddled around Ghee. "That sounded epic. Can I see that thing?"

Ghee chuckled. "But of course, dear beast, have a good look."

Bobby took the item from Ghee. Small in size, bronze in color. It looked almost like the hilt of a knife or dagger, but somewhat wider. 

"How does it work?" Miller asked.

"It is called a way-opener, because--"

"It finds a way to open anything?" Miller cut him off.

Ghee grinned. "Precisely. Merely swing it hard against whatever it may be standing in your path, and with the force carried with it the thing, whatever it may be, shall one way or another."

One way or another? 

"What does that mean exactly, Ghee?" I spoke up.

Miller caught my gaze as I opened my mouth. I averted my eyes, and tried not to stare back.

"To put it simply, results may vary, yet results are guaranteed." He smiled.

Results may vary?

"What you're saying is that it depends on what you're trying to open?"

Ghee smiled. "Right again, giant one."

"I'm not a giant," Miller said softly.

As they went on back and forth I found myself lost in thoughts of last night, unable to shake them from my mind. 

I stared back at Miller through the dark of night. Had he really said that? To feed off him?

"Adeline, please, say something...anything."

I swallowed hard, and took a breath. "What should I say? Thank's for the grub?"

"It's not a joke, Adeline--"

"Exactly, it's not a joke. You could die. Madison almost did, and ever since then she hasn't been the same. For all I know I'm the reason why." I tried to control myself. My words became weak and filled with oncoming tears that I strained to hold back.

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