The Perfect Wedding (2/2)

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"Okay... O-Oh! Levi!" she yelled at the first familiar person she saw, hoping she could get away from that weird conversation. "If you'd excuse me..." she told Sanji and left without a double take.

"What do you want, brat?" the raven-haired man asked.

"Woah, thank you for the nice words. Some things never change, huh?"

"What are you trying to say? Because it wasn't clear enough," he said with a ticked off expression. She became nervous under his tiny but overwhelming presence.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised you came," she tried to save herself from her slip. 'At least let me see my wedding through to the end,' she prayed.

Although she prayed to dear Lord to save her, Levi was actually a nice person. He was the who trained (Y/n) during her first year at UA. And even though he doesn't admit it, he was one of the most worried when she ended up in the hospital after their encounter with Stain.

"Given that you especifically wrote on my invitation that you would serve all types of tea, I didn't have a choice. Now did I?"

And he also loved tea.

'Yes! It worked,' she murmured in a low voice, proud of her plan actually working. Although he had heard her, he didn't say anything. He just sipped on his tea in the only way he knew how: grabbing the cup not by the handle like one is supposed to, but by the rim. He really was odd, she thought, which reminded her of something.

"Say... I'm not sure if I saw right... but did you, perhaps, buy Windex as a wedding gift?"

He continued sipping.

"There should be other cleaning supplies too. They will come in handy. A clean home is a happy home," he smiled and sipped his tea again.

She was dumbfounded. Levi smiling? That was even scarier than his deadliest of looks. It brought chills to her body.

"I... I guess you're right?"

"Well, if you don't have anything else to say, scram off."

"... Yes, sir. I'm sorry."

She did as told, not sure why when it was her wedding. Either way, she wandered around, looking for more guests to entertain and making sure everyone was having a good time. On one opportunity, someone had crashed into her. That person fell on her butt, complaining about the pain.

"Ushio! I told you to not run!" her father scolded her. Next, he apologized to (Y/n). "I'm so sorry (L/n)-san. I told her to be careful, but she just doesn't listen."

"It's all right, Okazaki-san," he reassured the parent with a chuckle. She crouched down and helped the girl get up. "Are you all right, Ushio?"

"Yup! No worries, I'm a strong girl," the girl assured with a V-sign held in high. And though she was missing her middle teeth, she had one of the brightest smiles put on her face, and her dad couldn't help but laugh.

Ever since that Christmas nightmare, Shouto and her had become acquaintanced with Tomoya Okazaki and his new-born daughter, Ushio. Although her mother had died while she was still inside her, she survived and turned out to be the liveliest little runt there could ever be. And that energy of her was what helped the people around her stay strong.

"Indeed you are," (Y/n) smiled while messing with Ushio's hair.


Meanwhile, Mineta and Kaminari were walking around with a drink on their hands. As per custom, they took this opportunity to go hunting. Meaning, look for some chicks to hang out with and hopefully, get it on.

Maneko [Shouto Todoroki x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon